I just found out that the fan who bought the Firefly costume Morena Baccarin was auctioning off is an A's fan.
I wish.
I wouldn't mind seeing JZ in Inara drag
I'm in a happy place now.
I have tickets to 7 out of the next 10 A's games....the last regular season homestand. Our magic number is 12. PLEASE finish this off at home. PLEASE.
Happy birthday, Nora!
Their "goth tips" look involved baby pink lip gloss and electric blue eyeliner. On someone with chestnut-brown hair and warm peachy skin
rolls eyes and makes a ladylike grimace of derision
That's it. No one gets to do anything related to my subculture unless I approve it first. Is that so much to ask?
t waits for pics of GCs new haircut
Feeling petty: Friends with whom we usually have dinner at least once a week -- and have for years because their sofa is the perch on which I watched Buffy -- but haven't seen in weeks because of various other committments, are having us over tonight. She just emailed an asked if it was okay if another family joined us. I really wanted to say NoNoNoNo! because I don't want to share my friends tonight but it's her house, and she's cooking tonight.
So I am sitting here resenting having to act not-selfish. Feh.
edited to make Lee look crazy
and have for years because their sofa is the perch on which -- but
Are you missing a word or two?
Depending on the job, shouldn't be much past 10 right? Maybe I have a hang up with work stuff happening after 8.
He got home just after midnight. These meetings have to be in the evening because they're open to the public.
Happiest of Birthdays to you, Nora!!!
Yay for a Friday 13th wedding, Jars!
Think of it as me, supporting you, in your insanity. That's what friends are for.
Happy Birthday Nora!!! Many happy things to you.
Temping worked okay but was never kind to me. I found so many people who got a nasty little thrill of power being mean to the temp and refusing to respond to a Good Morning or being infuriated when I asked their name or something innocuous like that. I did enjoy the getting to walk away from icky places scot-free, though.
Right now I should decide, which is worse: continuing to be unemployed and sending all those frustrating unanswered e-mails, joining a job club at Cal WORKS, or going back to temping.
Of course, today I would hardly have time for paid employment. So far I have stepped in (and cleaned up) cat barf & poop, changed the litterboxes, washed all the cat dishes (must be vigilant about crumbs lest the ants invade), found a pile of poop right beside my side of the bed (thank you, kitties of war. Go ahead, let me know how you feel), administered three types of medication to two different cats and I am now working on the laundry before going out for food so we'll have something to eat tonight.
Today’s dose of comedy from You Tube. Highly recommended!
LoTR Porn Reasonably work-safe. All about the soundtrack.
How LoTR Should Have Ended Remarkably reasonable.
Yay for a Friday 13th wedding, Jars!
Yes, this! That's wonderful news. You should decorate with black cats.