In my train days I enjoyed the coffee and newspaper time. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to read as much.
Well, there will definitely be coffee involved, and there's a free daily that people keep trying to thrust at me on my way to the bus. So it's definitely feasible. Also, my ipod replacement battery finally arrived, so I can listen to music, which I think will save my sanity.
Happy b-day, Nora!
Actually, they haven't really told me yet--I overheard that she was starting on Monday when the HR person was introducing her to everyone.
I once had a temp job where I was assisting the corporate honcho who came in from another state to run a large apartment complex while she hired and trained a local person to manage it. Once they hired a guy, I kept asking if they had a time-frame as to when they wouldn't need me any more, but the fashion in which they pussyfooted around answering me made it plain that they were refusing to give me that information. So at the end of each work day, I would say, "See you tomorrow?" definitely with the question in my voice. And sure enough, one day, the new manager said, "Oh, didn't anyone tell you...."
So it looks like we'll be getting married on Friday the 13th. How utterly brilliant is that? VERY.
I missed this in my morning scroll. I think my eyes were still half closed. This
In other news, my husband just hollered from the other room, that a CHRISTMAS ad just ran on the radio. He said it was for the Rockettes, so I guess I can sort of see where a show would have to advertise this far ahead of time, but Christmas? It's not even autumn, yet.
Happy Birthday Nora!
I meant you Teppy.
I have no desire to go to work today, but they paid me yesterday so I guess I owe them one.