Very good points, both of you.
I just don't understand certain snobiness. I am very much a snob in certain ways, so I get that there are some areas in which people are snobs. But there are some areas that I don't get. B&E don't want to do the diaper raffle because they don't people to buy diapers for their baby. They don't want to look like they're begging for diapers. If they don't want that particular game at the shower, that's fine. B didn't like the idea in the first place and I was surprised she said to do it later. I guess I'm just a Beggar McCheapskatestein and would have LOVED for people to give me diapers.
Which part of
free stuff is free
do they not get?
I have conquered some work stuff and some school stuff and am feeling marginally more competant and in control of things.
Yes! I'm sorry it's a tough day, but a big Yay for making progress.
Trudy, are you posting from a restaurant? Also, you are making me hungry!
Hang tough Aimee! Smite instead of Smoke! No smiting of Clooney though.
Trudy, are you posting from a restaurant? Also, you are making me hungry!
Nope, had it delivered to my office. I should send George some too.
Empress, its only ok to want EXPENSIVE things for free. Duh.
I suppose they can always cash in The Ring if they run low on diaper money.
Hey Nora, when and why is Tom in Milwaukee? I get up there quite a lot myself, and our new local there is a British pub catering largely to expats.
Like I said, I get some snobiness, I just don't get this one.
I had a friend in school whose parents wouldnt let her take part in any of our sponsored charity events, like the readathon we had every year - people would sposor you 5p or whatever for every book you read, and the money went to a multiple sclerosis charity - because it was like begging.
brenda, he's up for business, flying in on Sunday and flying home on Friday. I think he'd LOVE to know about that pub. And will you be up there at all next week? You can email my profile address... and I can pass along to him.
matt needs the pub info too. I am trying to find things that will be fun for him to do that are non client center - and even if he goes with them , it will be fun - so send me the pub info too , brenda