So in conclusion: your neighbors are total asshats!! And they should thank their lucky stars that you are a much nicer person than they are and you didn't just have all the cars towed (which is what I would have done)
They moved them before I could. I'm really not that nice. I was seeing about five shades of red by the time this was all dealt with. What pissed me off the most was the woman's attitude which seemed to suggest that I was going to say no big deal. That didn't happen. Me having to drag all my bags twice as far with a back that is about to crack any minute is a very big deal. Parking in Worcester sucks, so we specifically pay extra to have a damn driveway.
What would Deb do comes in handy a lot.
I never knew you had a crossbow.
What pissed me off the most was the woman's attitude which seemed to suggest that I was going to say no big deal
Oh I know!! That was always the former neighbor's attitude too. It made me so angry. I'm so sorry. Plus having to drag the groceries down the street. Man, I woulda killed someone. (Really we sold the house because we couldn't deal with them any more. 8 years was our limit)
A friend of mine once borrowed my car to take a trip. Before he left he parked it in a neighbor's driveway. Then one of the neighbors came home and parked him in before leaving for class. So my friend had to wait three hours for her to come back before he could leave on his trip. He was so mad at her for parking him in.
My friend could be self-centerd at times.
A friend of mine once borrowed my car to take a trip. Before he left he parked it in a neighbor's driveway. Then one of the neighbors came home and parked him in before leaving for class. So my friend had to wait three hours for her to come back before he could leave on his trip. He was so mad at her for parking him in.
This was going to be my other option, except the asshat parked at the end of the frelling driveway so I couldn't even park behind him. Teacup Guy and I just watched an episode of Eureka and I'mfeeling slightly less homicidal.
Anyone around?
(Nothing urgent. Mostly, just bored.)
I feel very grateful for my neighborhood. there is a lot of odd parking on things like the fleamarket day - but really - even though I worry about someone blocking my driveway temporarily - because I work at odd times, it rreally doesn't happen.
I'm around! Madly typing a worksheet. And, oddly, having a conversation with the little sister of the girl I'm... dating, I guess, in that we're going on dates. Why is my generation so stupid about that word, that now it has so much more meaning to me?
Not really around since I am headed for bed. Just a quick skip to end to say...
Happy Birthday billytea!
and goodnight....
Hi everyone.
Spent all day today working on research. It's a little scary. It's not "prove this" anymore, it's "look at this stuff and see if there's anything interesting there." It's a little bit overwhelming.
But tomorrow, I'm going out with some friends to see an Israeli hip-hop group, so that ought to be fun, at least.