Jesus God. Someone just vigorously twisted and shook my door handle (from the hallway side). It is, as always, locked, but I still think I jumped 10 feet in surprise.
Granted, I live in the university area, and classes start next week, so the students are moving back right now, and undoubtedly someone who's moving in to my building (there's a moving van out front right now) went to the wrong door, OR if they had a friend help them move and then they provided the friend with beer (as is the custom), the beer-swilling friend may have come to the wrong door.
But I'm still suddenly wigged. My most frequent stress-causing dreams -- not nightmares, they're not exactly *fright*-inducing -- are dreams in which I find strangers in my apartment and I *know* I locked the doors. I have that dream 3-4 times a month. And I figure it's mostly a symbolic dream (intimacy issues, blah blah blah), but, you know, I don't want someone to actually come into my apartment uninvited. So there's some literal truth to the dreams, too.
Anyway. Now I'm babbling because I'm a little wigged.
One of the things that used to freak me out the most when Joe was/is gone was when the dogs would start growling very low. I know they were warning me of something outside and yes, I'd rather be warned, I guess, and most of the time what they were "warning" about was a squirrel, but it still wigs me out every single time.
That's scary, Steph. My dogs usually scare the shit out of me when people knock on our door with their barking. But the good thing is that it scares the knocker, too.
BTW, juliana, thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
Steph, when we lived in our college town, a friend of mine had someone half-wander through her front door one evening. Had the wrong house. Needless to say, she didn't leave her door unlocked anymore.
I had a drunk woman walk into our apartment not long after we'd moved here. She was obviously out of it and just said, "huh?" when I told her to get the fuck out.
Needless to say, the deadbolt stayed locked at all times after that.
Home. Exhausted. Will someone come rub my feet?
rubs vw's feet
You must be so tired sweety. How is your mom?
She was all sleepy when I left. And she was starting to wake up about every 10-20 minutes to push her pain meds button. But I think she'll be ok. She's kind of funny when she's all drugged.
I walked in and said, "Mom, you have gorgeous nails!" She said, "I got them done last night. I couldn't stand the thought of looking at them get worse and worse for weeks till I can leave the house."
That's my mom.
Y'all talk a lot. Not that it hasn't been observed before. I'm just putting it out there.
Hec needs to send PC music to be pissed at your family by. The mopy music he sent me did wonders. Which is my way of saying thanks Hec!
I have some pretty awesome friends, blinvisible and fleshy types.