if you owed them the money, but it's less than 5 percent of your last paycheck, then yes.
It's more than half of my paycheck after taxes.
If you don't owe it at all, what the hell?
BEING INDIAN IS AWESOME. I'm the older brother. I have to take care of everyone.
(and they're all minors, right?
One of them is married. She gets $250. My little teenage sister gets $500. The little cousins get $100 each. It used to be $50, and before that, $25. Every time my mom brings this up, the amount goes up.
Oh, erm, I asumed you had to pay the amount in one lump sum. My angry protestations are based on that.
I'm supposed to give my grandmother $751 soon so she can go buy some fancy fucking jewelry from fucking India. Then the $100 checks go out to everyone else. I'm basically buying respect, I think.
And I have no sense of fucking budget right now with all the moving and needing to buy furniture and working out how much food costs and EVERYTHING ELSE COSTS here and I still have to actually pay for the car I bought from my uncle and I was HOPING TO PAY OFF MY GODDAMN STUDENT LOAN and yes I am making money and yes I seem to have several thousands of dollars in my bank account so sure I guess I can spare a thousand for my dear family but I bought a friend lunch on Sunday and that set me back a whole twelve dollars except I did it because I WANTED TO and I felt good about it unlike when I am OBLIGATED TO SEND OUT LARGE SUMS OF MONEY THE FRUITS OF WHICH I WILL NEVER SEE AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT BECAUSE WHAT DOES A SIX-YEAR-OLD DO WITH A HUNDRED DOLLARS?
Also, she's mad I haven't bought her a gift yet. I AM STILL TRYING TO GET MY OWN GODDAMN FEET ON THE GROUND, WOMAN. Not that it ever occurred to me to buy her a gift because I AM A HORRIBLE SON.