I'm a big proponent of the tarter, the better
Duchess apples. My grandmother had just one tree of them in the orchard. We weren't allowed to touch them because they were for pies only. They had Granny Smith, also, but the Duchess made the best pie. Lots of butter, lots of cinnamon and probably more sugar than was good for us. Grandma made a very heavy (soggy) crust, but with her apple pie it was the only way to go.
Happy birthday P-C!
Oooh, billytea! That's wonderful!
I am confused by you people and your hoodie-type things. I mean, I've seen them look super-cute on other people, but goodness, Not For Me.
Is there a bigger fruit falsehood than that of the Red Delicious apple? I was so disappointed as a little girl, the first time I had one. So beautiful, and so bland.
I'm glad Ida Reds are in season. I'm really waiting for late October for Paula Reds. I also like Cortlands. /apple snob
They used to be delicious, Cindy. But they started breeding for looks alone. It's pretty much the same result they got with the Hilton sisters.
Your best bet is to find small orchards and buy direct--not from the grocery store.
I had a Ginger Gold apple today and it was Teh Yum.
My favorite eating apples are Galas. Perfect size, lovely not-too-sweet taste.
Although my not-too-sweet is sometimes other people's sugar-induced coma.
Galas are fabulous. I like Jonagold and one they have out here called (I think) Pacific Rose.
now I want apples. I don't have any. and it is very unfall-like here. hot. Which would be ok if breathing was optional.
I am amused by the backhoe next door, becuase they have to drive it through the back of the garage.
the good thing is tha tafter therapy and visting your mom, there will be more veronica mars
Happy birthday Polter -Cow! Emily doesn't want our bookcase - do you?