Related question: Why isn't there a Coke Half? If something had half the calories of regular Coke, but didn't taste like Coke Light (Diet Coke), wouldn't you think it would sell?
They've tried, and failed, on more than one occasion.
Pepsi Max springs to mind.
Best Wishes for Trudy and Kara!
Why does Pottery Barn do this to me?? This would be SO CUTE for Em.
Happy Birthdays, Trudy and Kara!!!!!
Huh. I know I haven't been around for Coke 2, but I don't remember that that's what Pepsi Max was. Of course, I would've avoided Pepsi products if at all possible.
I wonder why they don't sell?
I wonder why they don't sell?
Taste like ass.
Don't know if Pepsi Max ever sold in the States under that formulation--I got it in Vancouver back in '94. Even 151 couldn't save it.
In the case of Coke 2, it was because it tasted like ass on toast. It had neither the pure sugar sweetness of real Coke nor the aspartame tang of Diet Coke. It was just nasty.
I am amused by the ass x-posting.
Clearly it must be more than a mere vulgar euphemism!
I hate work.
I hate female body parts.
I hate the communists.