So....I shouldn't move the Buffy rewatch-and-post to Thursdays at 9pm PST?
Oh, damn! I need to get my season one back! Must see J this weekend and do that.
{{{{Cass}}}} You’re allowed to be a wreck, honey. I’m so sorry.
Awwww…all this Dublin talk is making miss the fair city I’ve never seen. Yay for SA being ok and getting settled and all that.
In mememe news, Got the letter from old landlord. It’s actually worse than I suspected, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to proceed with the next nasty letter from the lawyer. Gonna talk to him today and see what he says. Ugh. It may be time to just walk away.
The Universe needs to back away from my people today.
hola, everybody!
Cass, I hope there's nothing serious going on with your kitty and she spends a quiet, peaceful weekend at the cattery.
Can I request a little freelance-ma, please? I just put a bid in for a huge proofreading job that should be easy but, if they accept my bid, lead to big financial relief for me for the year. I've never bid like this before. eep!
Massive independent employment reaping great benefits ~ma on the proofreading gig. May your bid have Jedi-like persuasive powers.
Lots of ~ma~ to you, lisa.
Awwww…all this Dublin talk is making miss the fair city I’ve never seen.
Me too, vw.
In mememe news, Got the letter from old landlord. It’s actually worse than I suspected, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to proceed with the next nasty letter from the lawyer. Gonna talk to him today and see what he says. Ugh. It may be time to just walk away.
What's up?
freelance~ma lisah! Good luck!
Just talked to my lawyer. He has recommended that we wait 30 days before we proceed. So, I will sit and wait for 30 days to see if I'm going to get sued by them. YAY!
What's up?
I posted the letter in my LJ, which I didn't want to do here...too public. Mostly, though, they're claiming that I gave them permission to come in and do repairs in exchange for not being charged for "damages."
Which, is a crock of shit. But, I don't have anything to prove that, so...
Hair update: I put a little Manga Gel in last night before going to bed and it looks better today.
Less mommy-ish, more with the curls and volume. I think it'll be okay, but it's going to take work and product.
Plus the pictures. Don't forget that on your task list. Feel free to dress in period garb too.
Based on Hec's links, I think the secret to great short curly hair is: Fake eyelashes! And good lighting.
We'd all benefit by having somebody following us around with a key light. A little underscore would be nice too. Also, check out the trailer for
Diane Lane has excellent period hair that would work for you too.
thanks for the good wishes, everybody! If this goes through I might splurge on...hmm...getting my kitchen floor fixed? And maybe a new sports bra.