vw, it will be ok. It's just the deposit check, and either you will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that they did include the appropriate amount of interest, or you have a little more fuel for the fire for your case.
{{{{vw, cass, and all da Bitches}}}}
I got a whole pile of dishes done, and the place looks way more presentable than it did this morning. I wonder if I can make myself keep things up instead of letting them slide into squalor.
Does "cattery" sound dirty to anyone else? Like some sort of euphamism?
It's a very strange word. I don't know how I feel about it. Maybe cause it's kinda close to "cathouse."
I didn't get paid for Monday because I haven't been here for 90 days yet.
What a nice hole. I think I'll crawl in it.
Oh, shit, Aimee! I'm so sorry! That sucks.
I ended up working most of the day on Monday. I'm not sure which one is worse. I also worked on Saturday and Sunday.
I would have rather worked Monday. I had Saturday off from the dealership and Sunday off cause I always do.
I was supposed to work Monday in exchange for a comp day later, but I ended up being home sick. So I got the holiday, but spent it running between the couch and the bathroom instead of holidaying, and no comp day.
Not that that helps in any way. I'm just still feeling grumbly about it.
That sucks for both of you. All of you, maybe. I don't know, the whole working for a living thing seems like kind of a raw deal to me, you should at least get holidays.
amy - I would totally be grumbly about that.