vw, they don't need to take your tv away, they need to bring you a Tivo.
Katie, think of yourself as cat hospice. You don't need to extend her life with a lot of medications and procedures that will mostly upset her. What you can and will do is give her a comfortable, loving home for as long as she has left. That's pretty amazing right there.
Hey baby. Yes I still live with you even though our schedules are now conspiring to make sure we don't see each other too much.
Just don't be surprised if I beat you up in the middle of the night because I think you're some strange man.
Yeah. Again.
Maybe I should sleep with a catchers mask on.
It was a nightmare! And I only beat for you a couple of seconds.
Uh huh. Tell that to my lizard brain that was woken out of REM sleep.
Hey everybody. The kids have won. I'm drowning in papers and considering giving a pop quiz just cause.
and considering giving a pop quiz just cause.
That'll fix their asses royal.
I suggest you fuck with them every day for your own amusement until they fear you.
We know they can be wounded with thrown chalk.
Someone make me stop reading the badfic when I have no one to AIM about it.
Because, man, this Andrew/Spike Mpreg is going to kill me if I keep reading it.