Wash: Well, I wash my hands of it. It's a hopeless case. I'll read a nice poem at the funeral. Something with imagery. Zoe: You could lock the door and keep the power-hungry maniac at bay. Wash: Oh, no, I'm starting to like this poetry idea now. Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower, somewhat less attractive now she's all corpsified and gross...


Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Zenkitty - Sep 01, 2006 5:24:56 pm PDT #1515 of 10000
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Continuing my rant about this stupid party. The discussion earlier about dedication ceremonies was interesting, especially in light of the fact that this baby's parents are not religious. I'm sure this is all to placate his parents. But this party? IS the dedication. There's going to be a ceremony with a minister at their house, and then the luau-themed party, with kegs and roast pig.

I bought the child a onesie off the clearance rack. It's cute, and the tags are coming off anyway. I figure it's acceptable since the invite gave the baby's size. (And her social security number, but I'm not buying her any stocks or bonds.)

The more I think about it? the less I like my friend. She really is completely self-centered. This is not the friend who had the shakedown at the wedding party (I ended up giving that one $100, as that seemed to be the going rate), no, this is the friend with the big-ass SUV who refused to help me move. Once I leave this job I will never see these people again on whom I have dropped so much cash. I like being generous when I can, but I need to find people to spend my generousity on who will return some of it.

ChiKat - Sep 01, 2006 5:54:10 pm PDT #1516 of 10000
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

{{vw}} Sleep well. Go away, nasty headache.

{{ita}} I'm so sorry about your friend. And, for good measure, go away, nasty headache(s).

{{zenkitty}} One of the hardest things in life is letting go of friends who aren't really your friend anymore.

In some good news, I started September off right today and I want it to set the tone for the month for all the Buffistas.

+I got off work early (1pm) for the holiday.
+I went to the doc and everything's fine. Had some bloodwork and will probably need to adjust some med levels which would be good as I've been feeling low energy lately. Scheduling some regular tests, but nothing I'm worried about at all.
+And, for the best part of the day, I had a haircut scheduled for tonight. Normally, I go to his place and he cuts it in his kitchen, but instead, he came here. Home haircut service. We ordered in yummy Thai food, he did my hair, we chatted and caught up on stuff. I gave him a birthday present and he brought me some green tomato relish that he made this week. And, I think this is one of the best cuts he's ever given me.

Not a bad way to spend a Friday night.

WindSparrow - Sep 01, 2006 6:25:07 pm PDT #1517 of 10000
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

ita, so sorry for your loss.

ita and vw, hope those migraines migrate away from you soon.

amych - Sep 01, 2006 6:28:23 pm PDT #1518 of 10000
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

Home haircut service.

How far is he willing to commute?

Actually, same question goes for the order-in Thai food.

ChiKat - Sep 01, 2006 6:33:33 pm PDT #1519 of 10000
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

How far is he willing to commute?

Ha! He lives about 8-10 miles from here, but he came from the SW side of the city, about 40 miles away.

Seriously, this come to my house and do my hair thing just rocks.

Thai food? Only 1-2 miles.

Pix - Sep 01, 2006 6:40:24 pm PDT #1520 of 10000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Oh ita. I'm so sorry.

sumi - Sep 01, 2006 6:44:17 pm PDT #1521 of 10000
Art Crawl!!!

ita, that's terrible. I'm sorry for your loss.

Cashmere - Sep 01, 2006 6:47:11 pm PDT #1522 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

They gave their baby's SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ON AN INVITATION? Are these people complete idiots????

We had Chinese takeout for dinner. It was such a good idea.

Steph L. - Sep 01, 2006 7:25:19 pm PDT #1523 of 10000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I ordered in pizza and salad, b/c I was packing and also didn't want to get dishes dirty that I would inevitably leave in the sink for a week.

(Actually, I have to write myself a note right now to take out the kitchen trash in the morning, b/c it has a diaper from Liv in it, and while there is no smell now, I don't want to leave it for a week.)

The Boy is going to take my produce/milk home with him in the morning. (He's presently snoring away in the next room. And I have to get up in 7 1/2 hours, so I'd best be falling asleep soon, too.)

So I think I have all my potential rotting-ness forestalled. Woot.

Lee - Sep 01, 2006 7:42:58 pm PDT #1524 of 10000
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.