You know, with the exception of one deadly and unpredictable midget, this girl is the smallest cargo I've ever had to transport. Yet by far the most troublesome. Does that seem right to you?

Early ,'Objects In Space'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Zenkitty - Aug 31, 2006 5:13:13 pm PDT #1198 of 10000
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Does this ever happen to anyone else, when posting--do you not want to put some stuff in posts about other stuff?

Yeah. I also don't like posting some stuff right after some other kinds of stuff that someone else has posted... And I post so rarely, relatively, that I end up not saying half what I meant to.

Know what I hate? I hate when my friends/acquaintances throw a party with the ulterior motive of getting money/swag. Like, Saturday I'm invited to a party. Now I find that it's really a dedication ceremony for their new baby, and presents for baby and for parents are implicitly expected. And, it's an outdoor thing and it's going to rain like the devil. Now I wish I'd begged off. Damn. I'm just going to assume from now on that any party I get invited to, I'm expected to bring presents.

And, dammit, I'm flat broke right now. I don't have the spare $$ to go buying stuff for anyone who isn't me and starving. I don't want to put flowers and onesies on my overburdened credit card. Dammit.

Steph L. - Aug 31, 2006 5:15:30 pm PDT #1199 of 10000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Cashmere, how's your back feeling?

Not only did Steph not mind, she was wonderful about reassuring me that my child was not a little monster. I do sometimes worry about this stage and it makes me reluctant to take on the task of taking him out amongst the Humans. But if I don't, he'll never learn how to behave.

O is just exerting his 2-year-old-ness. He's still a total cutehead, especially when he's exclaiming "To impinity....and beyond!" He also does a completely random primal yell, which I took to doing right back at him. And at one point when he was yelling "Apple juice! Apple juice!" I yelled "Budweiser! Budweiser!" He looked a bit perplexed.

She was also a trooper and took care of Liv while I was chasing O around the zoo and wrestling him back into the stroller when he refused to hold my hand or follow me.

There was no trooper-ness about it; Liv is my new main squeeze. She is a total honeybunny and it was only sheer force of will that stopped me from keeping her when you left.

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 5:23:33 pm PDT #1200 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

He also does a completely random primal yell

Christopher just says he's sounding his barbaric yawp. Primal is a good word here.

My back is actually very good at the moment. Had a nice, hot bath and DH did all the bath and bedtime stuff. Thanks!

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 5:23:38 pm PDT #1201 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

brenda m - Aug 31, 2006 5:33:25 pm PDT #1202 of 10000
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Now I find that it's really a dedication ceremony for their new baby, and presents for baby and for parents are implicitly expected.

A dedi-what now? Screw that.

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 5:41:28 pm PDT #1203 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

Now I find that it's really a dedication ceremony for their new baby, and presents for baby and for parents are implicitly expected. And, it's an outdoor thing and it's going to rain like the devil. Now I wish I'd begged off. Damn. I'm just going to assume from now on that any party I get invited to, I'm expected to bring presents.

Expected? Um, no. Tack-y.

And, dammit, I'm flat broke right now. I don't have the spare $$ to go buying stuff for anyone who isn't me and starving. I don't want to put flowers and onesies on my overburdened credit card. Dammit.

Don't. If you are broke, this is a good excuse to not buy a gift.

Zenkitty - Aug 31, 2006 5:44:23 pm PDT #1204 of 10000
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Oh, I'd love to retract my RSVP, but she's still miffed at me for not going to her wedding, and I have to work with her. Dammit. Although entertaining, she's a very self-centered person, and now that she's had her first baby (got pregnant on the honeymoon, for heaven's sake), she's insufferable. Every word is about the baby (who, granted, is a sweetie) or what a sublime experience motherhood is, with the implication that being a mommy makes her better than us who ain't. I'm happy that her life is just what she wanted and her baby is cute, but damn. I spent over $100 on her baby shower, now I gotta bring MORE presents?

Sorry. Ranting. I'd be calmer if I weren't broke.

Fay - Aug 31, 2006 5:45:04 pm PDT #1205 of 10000
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

Skips 600 posts

Punctuation a-plenty to them as needs it - so sorry, perishing inevitability of no internet at home and kids all day at school.

One quick question to Juliana/them as knows - who is Corb?

Would I like them? I need more country music.

Lee - Aug 31, 2006 5:48:17 pm PDT #1206 of 10000
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

Corb Lund, and yes [link]

Want me to send you some?

Zenkitty - Aug 31, 2006 5:49:31 pm PDT #1207 of 10000
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Breaking out of my miff to say welcome back, Toddson. Some scary shit you just went through; glad to see you're okay.