I gave her everything... jewels, beautiful dresses -- with beautiful girls in them.

Spike ,'Sleeper'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 2:09:55 pm PDT #1174 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

Thanks, everyone, for the -ma. My sister is ok--she just has a mild concussion and is VERY sore. The person trying to throw her out at third base hit her in the back of the head and she went head over heels, hyperextending her shoulder in the fall. She was unconscious for a few seconds so they called the ambulance to take her to the emergency room.

Is today the day Teppy, billytea, Cashmere, etc., went to the zoo?

It is, indeed. Hence my not-here-edness. It was a reallyl great day. Billytea and Teppy were extremely patient considering Owen wasn't having the best of days (read was a complete, unholy terror). Olivia made up for it by being charming enough for both of them, thank goodness. I'm uploading some pictures now.

Billytea and Olivia are both the proud owners of identical, plush, pink naked mole rats.

§ ita § - Aug 31, 2006 2:12:21 pm PDT #1175 of 10000
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Plush naked mole rats? But that makes no sense! They're not naked enough.

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 2:25:18 pm PDT #1176 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

They're not naked enough.

They look naked, though. I have to be sure to get a picture--they're so fucking cute.

Oh, no! They killed Owen!. Owen & Olivia.

-t - Aug 31, 2006 2:31:44 pm PDT #1177 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Billytea and Olivia are both the proud owners of identical, plush, pink naked mole rats.


Glad your sis is ok, Cashmere, and that the zoo was fun.

Sean K - Aug 31, 2006 2:37:36 pm PDT #1178 of 10000
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty

Oh, no! They killed Owen!.

And they look very pleased with themselves about it.

Topic!Cindy - Aug 31, 2006 2:46:18 pm PDT #1179 of 10000
What is even happening?

I am a bad friend, because I laughed aloud when I read, "This was the only moment Owen behaved himself."

I'm sorry he was a terror, but I'm still chuckling at the photo and caption. He seems to be behaving in the picture where he's with Olivia, and has the mini Cheez-its all over himself. Olivia's all, "Dude, they just stuck me in here. I don't even *know* him," though. Seriously. Look at her body language.

Is today the day Teppy, billytea, Cashmere, etc., went to the zoo?

I knew, and then forgot when I left the PC. And then when I came back and saw you hadn't posted all day, I started thinking something happened to Lori. Then it dawned on me you were probably out at the zoo. Duh.

Cashmere - Aug 31, 2006 2:53:05 pm PDT #1180 of 10000
Now tagless for your comfort.

I started thinking something happened to Lori. Then it dawned on me you were probably out at the zoo. Duh.

I wanted to beat my mother to death today. She called from L's house--her number on my cell phone and the first words out of her mouth were, "she's not doing too good." Gah. Turns out Mom just meant L was really sore. The first words out of her mouth *should* have been, "she's going to be ok."

I am a bad friend, because I laughed aloud when I read, "This was the only moment Owen behaved himself."

On the way over, O was crying and throwing a fit so I handed him his water bottle. Steph said, "Please tell me that's vodka." Nope(Even though I've considered it more than once). The vodka is for ME! The handled it all very well and were extremely patient with us.

amych - Aug 31, 2006 2:58:06 pm PDT #1181 of 10000
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

She called from L's house--her number on my cell phone and the first words out of her mouth were, "she's not doing too good." Gah. Turns out Mom just meant L was really sore. The first words out of her mouth *should* have been, "she's going to be ok."

Dude. Your mom reminds me of S's grandma's eye doctor, who instead of leading off with "you're not going blind", said "your eye disease has mysteriously changed into the very aggressive form that people go blind from, and we have no clue why!" Bedside manner should be bottled and sold, for practitioners and family alike.

Sean K - Aug 31, 2006 3:14:25 pm PDT #1182 of 10000
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty

She called from L's house--her number on my cell phone and the first words out of her mouth were, "she's not doing too good." Gah. Turns out Mom just meant L was really sore. The first words out of her mouth *should* have been, "she's going to be ok."

This reminds me of the time my sister, while pregnant, came down with Bell's Palsey (less than two years ago). When my mom called to tell me about it, she went through a long story that started with my sister waking up with one side of her face slumped. When she finished the story, and got to the part where she was fine and the baby was fine, and it will mostly go away over time, I told her "Mom, next time, you need to start this story by saying something like 'first things first -- your sister did NOT have a stroke.'"

Topic!Cindy - Aug 31, 2006 3:22:59 pm PDT #1183 of 10000
What is even happening?

On the way over, O was crying and throwing a fit so I handed him his water bottle. Steph said, "Please tell me that's vodka." Nope(Even though I've considered it more than once). The vodka is for ME! The handled it all very well and were extremely patient with us.

Having my own kids has left me at the point that when I'm with other people, and their kids are in cranky mode, I almost never notice, never mind mind.

This reminds me of the time my sister, while pregnant, came down with Bell's Palsey (less than two years ago).
I remember that. My friend came down with it last summer. The last I knew she had not completely lost the paralysis in her face, but it's now minimal, and you mightn't notice if you didn't know her.