No, it's shiny! I like to meet new people. They've all got stories...

Kaylee ,'Serenity'

Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Sean K - Aug 31, 2006 8:47:09 am PDT #1133 of 10000
You can't leave me to my own devices; my devices are Nap and Eat. -Zenkitty

Toddson, so glad you're doing well, and that you stopped by to say "hi!"

Whoever said "April is the cruelest month" hadn't met August '06.

beth b - Aug 31, 2006 8:49:00 am PDT #1134 of 10000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

Toddson, so glad to see your font back!

Katerina Bee - Aug 31, 2006 8:49:15 am PDT #1135 of 10000
Herding cats for fun

Oh, they're bigger and nerfier than that by now. It's such fun when we have a play date for Sophie and Waffle and we get to watch them race around and wrassle.

Off for a day of accomplishment and chores. I expect all of you to be well and healthy until I get back. Else I shall shake my finger very sternly.

JZ - Aug 31, 2006 8:51:48 am PDT #1136 of 10000
See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

Toddson! I'm so glad you're doing better. Bucketloads of continued recovery-ma to you.

Toddson - Aug 31, 2006 8:53:42 am PDT #1137 of 10000
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Thanks all! it's good to be back. I came back to work this Monday, although I can't last a full day, which is causing problems. At this point, if they don't like it they can fire me.

Beej - you could try HourEyes, I've done fairly well with them (there's ONE of their stores my insurance covers). There's also FourEyes.

I've skipped - no way I'll ever have time to catch up. So ... what happened when I was having my encounter with mortality?

Laura - Aug 31, 2006 8:59:00 am PDT #1138 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

runs to tackle hug Toddson, settles for a gentle hug

They are damn lucky to have you part of a day! Don't let them stress you. Your recovery is so far above work needs on the list.

Good to see you! What's happened? Well, in Laura world the kids are back to school and I'm adjusting to the schedule change.

ChiKat - Aug 31, 2006 9:00:02 am PDT #1139 of 10000
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

Toddson!! Welcome back! I had no idea why you were gone, but I am glad you are recovering well. Much more health and recovery~ma to you, doll.

Toddson - Aug 31, 2006 9:00:07 am PDT #1140 of 10000
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Did Ernesto hit you? we seem to be getting the edges of it - they're predicting rain for the next few days.

§ ita § - Aug 31, 2006 9:13:17 am PDT #1141 of 10000
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Hey, Toddson! Welcome back, to the internet and increasing good health.

JenP - Aug 31, 2006 9:14:06 am PDT #1142 of 10000

Toddson! Welcome back, and continued recovery-ma to you.