Inara: Who's winning? Simon: I can't tell. They don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Spike's Bitches 32: I think I'm sobering up.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

vw bug - Aug 31, 2006 7:16:46 am PDT #1105 of 10000
Mostly lurking...

Motherfuckingsomebodies are drilling in the road outside my window. My nerves are already frelled today. This is not helping things.

§ ita § - Aug 31, 2006 7:17:39 am PDT #1106 of 10000
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Robin, doctor. And feel better too.

the number of people that don't return them on time is huge

If it's huge and consistent, bake it into the business process. Hopefully you only get busted if there's an exceptional number of people hanging onto their trucks that day.

My god, my head hurts. I usually nap in my car before getting out at work, but today it was a mandatory lie down. And I have a cough, and each time I do it, it makes it hurt worse.

-t - Aug 31, 2006 7:18:05 am PDT #1107 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I think Sail definitely should get a lollipop.

Sears used to have pretty good sales on eye exams and frames pretty frequently. I got glasses there for years when I had no insurance.

My mom's eye doctor advises her to pick up the reading glasses they sell at the drug store rather than getting yet another prescription - as long as they are the right power, they're fine. YReadingGlassesNeedMV

-t - Aug 31, 2006 7:20:09 am PDT #1108 of 10000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

This U-Haul discussion is reminding me of the time I had to move over Halloween and went to get a truck and was told that they had exactly one available, if I could pick it up at 9 PM and have it back by 7AM. No trick or treating for me that year. But now I am retroactively grateful that I could get one at all.

Jen - Aug 31, 2006 7:28:41 am PDT #1109 of 10000
love's a dream you enter though I shake and shake and shake you

Robin -

What kind of birth control are you on? Is it possible that you became pregnant without knowing it and are now having a very early miscarriage? Many women have had this happen without knowing it, and the only symptom is a particularly heavy "period." (And God, this is such a sensitive subject, I hope mentioning it isn't upsetting...)

Ruptured ovarian cysts shouldn't cause extra bleeding. Unholy pain, yes, but not blood.

Or, it could be perimenopausal fun.

So, yes, call your doc.

Katerina Bee - Aug 31, 2006 7:37:24 am PDT #1110 of 10000
Herding cats for fun

Igor the Instructive

Love this.

now for the carpet in the kitchen to dry. ( ps - our shop vac has a crack in the lid that makes it pretty useless for water)

Still need that shop vac? Ping me.

My way is CLEARLY the sensible and right way to do things

I so want this on a T-shirt.

I wish Tom had more opportunities to socialize without me, but that's because he has none and I worry about him.

This. I do all the solo socializing, and the imbalance troubles me somehow.

This has happened every single time I, or a loved one, has tried to rent a truck.

I once rented the last truck in town from a shady sort of outfit. We packed that sucker so tight you couldn’t wedge even one more milk crate full of magazines into it. Then we headed up the hill toward the Caldecott Tunnel and flames started to shoot out the exhaust. The big giant tow truck didn’t appear for hours and the sight of the marooned vehicles on the shoulder caused a huge traffic backup for hours. We didn’t arrive in Hayward until about 11 pm. Then the company let their truck sit in the driveway for about three days before sending someone to haul it away. The only good thing was that we didn’t have to pay for the rental.

Consumer Reports rates Costco's prescription glasses highly, and Costco has some reasonable frames.

Last time I checked, Costco didn’t carry my super-strength prescription. I went to LensCrafters – again. I bought a cheap pair of reading glasses with a flexible plastic frame at WalMart, and sometimes I wear them in front of my regularly scheduled eyewear. It really helps because I just can’t seem to focus later in the evening when I’m tired, and plus it’s a good way to put off getting bifocals.

Katerina Bee - Aug 31, 2006 7:38:33 am PDT #1111 of 10000
Herding cats for fun


JenP - Aug 31, 2006 7:47:06 am PDT #1112 of 10000

Fifthing or sixthing the advice to call the doctor, Robin.

I need to get an eye exam. It's been about five or six years.

juliana - Aug 31, 2006 7:57:14 am PDT #1113 of 10000
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…

Robin, I've got no advice, but lots of good wishes.

I just made an appointment for an eye exam - I need it, but I also want the consult for LASIK.

Laura - Aug 31, 2006 8:00:23 am PDT #1114 of 10000
Our wings are not tired.

{{Robin}} That's all I got.