and related, some surprising news from e!:
The Golden Globe winner's decision to seek treatment is likely somewhat unnerving for Showtime, as the network has a lot riding on the 29-year-old actor. The Apr. 1 premiere of The Tudors drew record numbers for the cable net, with 870,000 viewers tuning in for the initial broadcast and an additional 440,000 watching an encore episode. The network was sufficiently pleased with the strong numbers to give the drama series an early renewal, announced earlier this month. The second season, which deals with Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn and (spoiler alert!) her subsequent beheading, was scheduled to begin filming in Dublin next month.
It was unclear whether Rhys Meyer's stint in rehab would delay production.
Much like Rome, is it really a spoiler if it's history? But anyway, obviously the ridiculouly pretty prettiness of the cast won over the ratings. I'm still surprised there's going to be a second season thought.
How accurate is "Elizabeth I"?
And it's okay if the answer is "Not very," since I'm asking because I know nothing and it's still good to watch anyway...Helen Mirren plays the hell out of it.
That one was fucking fantastic, erika, as well as being very accurate in most of the historical details.
Well, I'm glad to know that it's not being paced like snow melting doesn't mean they made up reviewers were kind of quibbly.
But HM makes a good queen so I was satisfied enough. Curious, though.
There were certainly nits to pick if you were so inclined but honestly, I think that Mirren and Irons so nailed the Elizabeth/Leicester dynamic that I couldn't argue with any of it. The supporting characters, Cecil and Walsingham were great, too.
Yeah, they were awesome.
Of course poor Robin died painfully
so I won't see him in disc two, which is a bummer. Like with Bill Hickock.
From the way back article on Deadwood:
Milch also addressed the anger that rose up among “Deadwood” fans when word leaked out last year that the show’s third season might be its last, in part due to Milch’s commitments to “John from Cincinnati,” a series about a surfing family’s encounter with a possible alien.
An alien? Like Mork?
OMG, y'all. Milch is using again.
"This is an intervention, you coke-sniffing cocksucker."
Okay..."interesting" premise, there.
I like the ads for John from Cincinnati. The premise doesn't grab me the way Deadwood did, but I am intrigued.
Of all the upsetting things happening on the Sopranos, it's the sound of duck calls while the guy dumps the asbestos that is haunting me.
I just caught up from ep 3 through last week's Sopranos. And damn, I don't know what when down last night, but last week's Sopranos was about the most tightly constructed episode I can recall.