So Arya's Namira is a calculated and brutal killer? GOOD TIMES!
Hot Pie opened a bakery!!!
That is a man who saw his opening and took it.
I feel like "I read the book; I followed the instructions" is the new "I drink and I know things."
The scenery remains impressive. Visuals and sound is so worthwhile. My only regret on not watching the initial seasons.
"It's been a long road, but we're both still here." Oh, I am so glad they are; Tyrion and Jon are my favorite pairing. They need many more scenes together.
Cersei's revenge is so impressive, and her relationship with her brother so twisted. I'd be trying to stay on her good side. And Lady Olenna! She will be missed. Poor Jaime is just no match for her at all. Alas, he will probably not pass along the message, but it would be nice to see Cersie react.
Sansa is making up for her wimp years. Love her snark with Littlefinger so very much.
Sam remains a champion. And I don't remember what else I loved, but there were many lovable scenes. Dany seemed uncomfortable with Jon.
"I read the book; I followed the instructions" is the new "I drink and I know things."
Oh, and Tyrion should totally let Daenerys fly her dragons out to burn up ships and stuff.