Huh, still up in the air about putty Penny Dreadful on my to watch list. So little time, so many things to watch.
'Objects In Space'
Premium Cable: The Cursing Costs Extra
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The first season was so gorgeously gothic, it's worth it, Laura. The whole thing was worth it, for me. And the ending is really fitting, given the overall themes and aesthetic.
The aesthetic factor is truly intriguing.
I now the last ep of the Season aired tonight, but I am just starting on S2 Outlander - does it mash up books 2 & 3?
No, S2 sticks pretty closely to Dragonfly in Amber.
Did not like Season 2 of Outlander as much as season 1. I found the political intrigue repulsive. Dunno why: they had good motives, and my opinion of "Bonnie Prince Charlie" matches the show's pretty closely.
Also don't know if anyone has been watchinh "Queen of the South". At any rate, does discussion belong here. Is Sundance considered premium or basic cable?
I'm off Facebook for the nonce, so I guess I'll post my Game of Thrones musings here. I started rematching the series from the beginning after watching season 6. I'm mostly looking for the clues and things like when characters are introduced who become important later. And the portents of things to come.
So, Season 4 Episode 3, Breaker of Chains... Joffrey's dead and the the only ones morning him are Cersei and...Cersei. Jaime's got other things on his mind. Tywinn is starting to groom Tommen and take him under his wing. Tywinn goes to Oberyn and promises him his meeting with the Mountain if Oberyn will sit in judgement of Tyrion and sit on the small council. Tywinn in a brothel is something to see. Margaery isn't sure of her status and Oleanna is all but gloating over Joffrey's death. Sansa is guided out of the city into slimy Baelish's arms and learns a hard lesson about who her rescuer really is. Poor Fool Dantos tells her she's stronger than she knows. Pod visits Tyrion and Pod says he was offered a bribe to testify against Tyrion. Tyrion realizes how much danger Pod is in and orders him to leave the city. He tells him that he was the most loyal squire in Westoros. Stannis is chomping at the bit to take advantage of Joffrey's death which he is taking credit for. Davos gets an idea from Shireen and has her write a letter to the Iron Bank for him. Arya and the Hound discuss the future, he thinks about going to Essos and joining the Second Sons, she wants to see Braavos. They pretend to be father and daughter to get taken in by a real father and daughter. The Hound promises to work for the man, but steals from him instead, Arya argues with him but doesn't stop him. Sam is worried about Gilly at Castle Black so he takes her to Mole Town to work at the brothel, but not that kind of work. The Wildings attack Olly's village and the Thenn sends him to the Watch to draw them out. Edd and Grenn make it back to Castle Black from Craster's and Jon convinces Thorne that they need to take care of the mutineers before Mance gets to them and learns how few Brothers there are. Dany reaches Mereen and lets Daario take care of their champion after tuning down Ser Berrisstan, Grey Worm and Jorah. Then she tells the slaves that she freed their brethren in Yunkai and Astapoor and she will do the same for them. She fires containers of the broken chains into the city to reinforce her point.
Jaime and Cersei's scene is less shocking the second time but no less wrong. the painted rock eyes on the dead are really creepy. Arya and the Hound's adventures are as close to fun as this show gets. Olly sees Ygritte put an arrow in his father. Oberyn is the only other person besides Oleanna who is not intimidated by Tywinn.
Season 4 Episode 4, Oathkeeper... •Lots of beginnings and endings •Dany begins her reign in Mereen by paying the Masters back for the crucified children •Missandei and Grey Worm have their first scene together •Bronn prods Jaime into seeing Tyrion where they compare captivities •Tyrion says Sansa's not a killer...not yet anyway •Sansa learns more about Baelish's thinking and how Joffrey was killed •Oleanna tells Margaery how she got the husband she wanted and how Margaery should get to Tommen before Cersei can stop her, oh and by the way, she poisoned Joffrey to save her. •Jaime gives Brienne his sword, new armor and Pod, and their wacky adventures begin •Jon and Thorne have another confrontation, but Slynt advises Thorne to let the mutineers take care of his Jon Snow problem. •Jon meets the new recruit, Locke •Locke spars with the first black brother I've seen in the Nights' Watch •Cersei punishes Jaime for seeing Tyrion •Margaery visits Tommen to give him sweet dreams •While Jon gets his volunteers for the mission, Bran & company stray too close to Craster's and get caught •Rast is Karl's whipping boy and gets to deliver Craster's last son to the Walkers •And we see the Night King for the first time as he makes a new Walker
Winterfell looks so sad still smoldering in the credits. Burn Gormen is really creepy as Karl.
Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 5 First of His Name
- Tommen gets the crown and Cersei comes to terms with Maraery, for now
- Dany decides that learning to rule is more important than sailing off to Westeros, for now
- Sansa learns how really crazy her Aunt Lyssa and Cousin Robyn are
- Cersei learns the truth about what is keeping the Kingdom afloat - the Iron Bank, not Lannister gold.
- Brienne and Pod have wacky adventures in riding and rabbit cooking. Pod's only real virtues are his cute face and his loyalty
- The Hound and Arya's wacky adventures continue with Arya keeping the Hound awake with her list, which includes the Red Woman and the Bw/oB, the Lannisters and their killers including...wait for it...the Hound
- He is not at all impressed with her Water Dancing either.
- Cersei and Oberyn discuss their lost loved ones and she asks him to give her gift of a ship to Myrcella
- He says they don't hurt little girls in Dorne, she says they hurt little girls everywhere
- Jon and the boys + Locke reach Craster's and just in time to save Meera.
- Karl has a suitably gruesome end
- Rast finally meets his end at Ghost's paws and teeth
- Bran kills Locke with Hodor as his weapon
- Jojen has seen the 3-eyed Raven's tree and even though he doesn't say it, he's seen who does and does not make it. he's looking pretty ill the last couple of episodes.
- Bran desperately wants to be with Jon, but knows he needs to push on.
- And Craster's daughter/wives burn it all down
whoo hoo, I finally made a list!