I'm not sure where to ask this but this seems a good place to start. I'm trying to get HBO Now but can't figure out how to do it on a laptop.
The site says I can use my laptop to watch but when I go to iTunes to download the app it's only for iPhone or iPad. I've downloaded both but then nothing happens.
I tried signing into the HBO site but there is no "register here" note. I tried signing in with my Apple ID and they don't recognize it. I can't find any real help on their site or Apple.
Has anyone else tried this? I'm going to ask this here and in Tech and Natter until someone answers.
Sesame Street, a show created to reach poor, inner-city youth, will be premiering new shows on HBO.
Cross posted with Comedy, just because
Everyone has seen this, right? Because they should
Totally NSFW, but really awesome.
I spent the day at George Mason U for their "Fall into the Book" event featuring Davina Porter and Diana Gabaldon.
Hundreds of Outlander fans!
I had a lovely moment with Davina and Diana was a hoot. A well scripted hoot, but fun none the less.
She read a bit from the 9th (!) book, which was thoroughly entertaining.
I'm not a huge fan of the show, but may have to give Season 2 a try.
Did she disembowel a fanfiction author on stage?
No disembowelment but some acerbic comments about lots of people/things.
She has done lots of these things, it's obvious.
American Gods': Bryan Fuller and Loretta Ramos
We went to House on the Rock last week ‘cause that’s a big part of the book. David Slade is so technologically precise. If you haven’t been to House on the Rock and you have a weekend, seriously, it’s the coolest thing I’ve done on this continent. It’s in Wisconsin, and it’s a weekend trip. You fly in on Friday night, stay at the House on the Rock Resort, and then you spend all day Saturday at the House on the Rock. You’ll be glad you did. You will not have any other experience like it. I went to one room where they have the largest inside carousel in the world and my eyes were stinging ‘cause it was such a primal childhood joyous experience. You’re inside imagination, in such a great way. The house was built by this guy who got money from his family. He would basically get high every day and say, “I’m going to build a giant whale wrestling with a squid,” and it’s there and you can go see it. So, take a weekend and go. You’ll love it. We were there and David was photographing it to figure out how to photograph it for the show.
GRRM missed all his deadlines,
The Winds of Winter
won't be out until after the new season of GoT.
GRRM missed all his deadlines
He may not be my bitch, but he's making me feel very bitchy.
There is something weirdly phildickian about george r. r. martin's current predicament. his life has become a public dramatic narrative about his race to complete a public dramatic narrative that - though clearly intensely personal and individual - is simultaneously being worked on in another medium by a competing team of writers who may complete it before he does, even though he himself has not fully discovered it yet.