Were both wolves there?
Yes. Summer went to go investigate when he heard Ghost, and then fell in the hole.
I'm not sure I understand you here
Yeah, that's because I meant "icky" Stupid touchscreen. Fixing.
And did he essentially do with Hodor what he can do with his wolf?
Yes. "warging" is the term commonly used, which apparently autocorrect is not familiar with. Stupid autocorrect.
Impassable mountains - useful defense against dragons?
I'm betting "no" because flying.
Ah! Autocorrect strikes again.
Some of the scenes are so dark, it's hard for me to see what's going on. (I said the same thing about Hannibal.) Maybe should I adjust the settings on my screen.
Is Robin the same kid? If not, I'd have gone younger with that casting.
It is the same kid, and I actually think Robin is the one character where having a slightly too old actor works really well. Creeptastic.
I'm betting "no" because flying.
And if the Targaryens hadn't conquered the Vale once already (with dragons), they wouldn't be part of the Seven Kingdoms.
apparently Peter has been plotting stuff a lot longer than anyone knew.
I missed what Lysa said Peter had asked her to do. Could someone fill me in?
He had her poison her husband (the Hand of the King that Ned went to investigate), if I understood correctly.
He had her poison him, AND had her write to Catelyn telling her that she suspected the Lannisters -- if she hadn't written to Catelyn, then Ned wouldn't have had anything to investigate.
Right! The most important part.
It was an interesting revelation, because of what it clears up after all this time, but it was also clunky and awkward -- suddenly Lysa launches into this infodump to Peter, who obviously knows it all already.
Yeah, but it's in her character to remind him of all she's done for him, since she's so insecure about his love for her (as, really, she should be, he's not a sincere man after all).
That's true. Either way, she's crazycakes.
And also Ned became the new Hand, right? He basically started the books.