A new show called Penny Dreadful is being released mid-May on Showtime. Though I won't be able to see the show, I did see the first episode because Showtime has enough faith that if you see the first episode you will be hooked to have released it all over the internet, and also put it out for free on most On-demand packages.
Since it spite of this, it has not been officially broadcast, I won't spoil it (at least not here). But I will say that it is glorious and wonderful trash. That is a compliment, not criticism. It is set in Victorian England, but not historical Victorian England. Hammer Films Victorian England. It is very Gothy trash. I think Jilli MUST see it - except that I will stick a Jilliwarning in spoiler font.
One of the main characters is constantly harrassed by Jillfonts, and I suspect will continue to be throughout the series.
It crams so much into that first episode, that I'm pretty confident that the second episode will include a deadly Kitchen Sink, since they have already thrown almost everything else at you in the first one. Although everyone watching will spot the foreshadowing of which major character not in the first episode will show up soon. Since I'm too cheap to pay for Showtime I may never see the second episode, but based on the first I strongly rec the series.