Fo' real, yo. All them fuckers real fuckin' people. (HBO: Home of series where the moral is "any world populated by people is inherently fucked".)
If I tell you that I am getting good at "that character doing a fake-ass accent...that's the actor's regular voice, isn't it?" you'll know where I am in the series, I'd bet.
Actually, Deadwood, the show that looks the most like that, does not actually believe that. But most of them do.
Oh, right, Jimmy getting the hookers by being "from London", except he is...DW is posh, kind of.
The other show I was thinking of specifically was GoT (I expect it would also apply to Treme and Sopranos, at the very least). My father never quite convinced me to watch Deadwood.
Got it in one.
Jimmy slept with both hookers, too, despite the man-purse. McNulty the legend.
Well, there were two of them. They overpowered him.
I cannot properly express the deep, deep feels I have for Deadwood.
And my ongoing bitterness they never got the fourth season.
Fuckin' gleats!
Beancounters from Yankton.
(living here I get/have to say "hoople" a hell of a lot.)