I really like Merchant, but the degree of humiliation was too intense for me. I need to remember he's a long time collaborator of Gervais and that I don't really like Gervais' work all that much. Liking the dude Merchant isn't going to be enough, is it?
Why doesn't Eddie just tell Nucky that the (f)BI nabbed him?
Pride schmide. Coming clean to Nucky is the only shot he has at not winding up dead. He's got to know that.
Knew they'd fuck Clayton.
OK, did NOT see that coming.
Man I love this show.
I don't know, Homeland. I'm starting to think you aren't pulling a slow burn this season, you're just boring.
Neither of the male prostitutes on Master of Sex this week had any chest hair. That seems wrong for the early sixties.