So yes I watched Banshee during its run. I think the show ultimately fails the "does this show make sense?" test, but no matter. The show is super-intense (as Rayne said, very violent) and the sex often does not make sense.
I will watch Season 2 because of the WTF factor, but it is just entertainment for me.
I am down with the sex and violence. I'll give it a look-see!
Those are two of the three reasons I've watched
True Blood
for years now! (Nelsan Ellis being the third.)
The costume designer for the Game of Thrones has a website. . . lovely embroidery.
Is this the right thread for The Newsroom?
is any thread the right thread for The Newsroom?
Since it's HBO, this would be the place.
Is anything right about The Newsroom?
Laga, you know we kid because we love, right?