HBO had a teaser thing where Rob Lowe was talking about how unpleasant it was. Serious taping under his wig, painful. When he'd lean back and just look at them before the scene was cut - comedy gold.
I'm glad SHO let The Big C end the series. After the first season, which was terrific, it was never knock-your-socks off tv, but the actors and characters are all very likeable. I'm glad they stuck to their guns; it was a good ending.
I'm enjoying Nurse Jackie also. Bringing Eddie back - pretty unlikely scenario, and yet they did a good job selling it. Zoe has been terrific this season - helping the ER doc with his likability issues is my favorite, but also helping Jackie, and the shower incident was pretty funny.
Bread and salt! It pleases me so much to see that.
Well done.
I did not think they'd start with Talisa like that.
Yeah. I was rather surprised to see her there. No possible Robb heir now.
I like that they were clear about the plan for Rickon and Osha.
Somebody posted, "It's a nice day for a Red Wedding" over at WIC.
Richard Madden's reaction over at Zap2it.
Speakeasy recap.
I realize that having confirmed Talisa' pregnancy they had to kill her outright where with Queen Jeyne it was all speculation. Kind of glad that they didn't show Robb
with Grey Wind's crowned head on his shoulders.
(book spoiler)
People at IO9 have been being "coy" for all values not actually coy but ten times as annoying about the upcoming Red Wedding, and it was truly irritating.
However, knowing that blood would be shed, I didn't actually think that large a percentage of the family the story opened on would bite it within minutes of each other.
Sometimes I wonder--is this to make me feel better about current governments? Because people with the leeway to go batshit homicidal will do so, and at home as well as abroad. Sheeit. As an assassin, I wouldn't know where to start.
And purely for personal spite too.
sumi, I was just thinking that one of the things I liked about the way the books presented that was that we didn't actually see it happen, just got people talking about it afterwards. So I'm also pleased it wasn't onscreen.
Also - poor Ygritte, just left there after she had Jon's back!
Didn't Dany have a dream about the Red Wedding in the books? Or possibly a vision?