If only Catelyn had left well enough alone.... Cersei would likely still have tried to assassinate both Ned and Robert, I imagine.
Cersei was always planning to kill off Robert. Ned forced her to move up the timeline, but that's not what started the war.
Cersei was always planning to kill off Robert. Ned forced her to move up the timeline, but that's not what started the war.
Between Catelyn and Tywin, who do you think earns that honor more? I mean, sure Catelyn kidnaps Tyrion, but then Tywin's idea of diplomacy is to send the Mountain out do his thing.
And of course, it's all kittens batting at shiny things compared to the real threat coming down from north of the Wall.
Between Catelyn and Tywin, who do you think earns that honor more?
Well Tywin was the one who actually told his bannermen to go out and start killing people, so he wins that round. Cat should have known better than to kidnap Tyrion, but she wasn't really aware of the bigger picture (which was also naive of her).
Cat should have known better than to kidnap Tyrion, but she wasn't really aware of the bigger picture
That seems to be a recurring theme for Martin in this story. To the point of it becoming almost anvilicious. Pretty much all characters in this story wind up making decisions based on a sense of compulsion or lack of options, when often times if they'd just taken one step back they would have seen that they could do just about anything else and get a better result. Often times characters are even presented with better options, only to dismiss them for
Varys in particular is continually offering people eminently sensible ways out of their problems, only to have his advice dismissed because everyone knows you can't trust Varys.
The butt quiz is hilarious :) When did we see Talisa in the nude? I totally don't remember that.
Not entirely sure if this should go here or in Movies (here, I suspect), but I am currently watching The Sunset Limited on HBOGO, and HOLY EFFIN' CRAP! I have only read
The Road
but between that, and this, I am turning into a HUGE Cormack McCarthy fan. The dude can write.
I think I might have to try
Blood Meridian
This post is just a reminder to myself to be much more careful about discussing GoT tonight.
There's got to be some sort of way to automate and schedule text messages, right? Can we set up IFTTT to text you starting fifteen minutes in to the east coast airing?
Ooh, that's brilliant! We could have it text me WHITE FONT STUFF! or NO SPOILERZ!