The Big C, Victor Garber and all the swearing are gone, so that's good. I am not usually bothered by swearing and I do it myself; there was just something about that episode that bothered me. Too much of it in literal classrooms, way too unreal, it made the episode a caricature. There is no way Cathy wouldn't have been fired right there.
I loved Victor Garber on the Big C! I wish his character had stuck around longer.
Is anyone watching the show with Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell? I watched one or two and it didn't grab me. There's just not enough time - I'd rather watch The Good Wife or Parenthood. There are a gazillion ads for it before any SHO episode, plus Don Cheadle is in the movie Flight, characteristically excellent as always. I want to be supportive of any show with him and KB but... hard to find the time.
House of Lies? I also love it; it is so very wrong in all the right ways.
Is anyone watching Dexter this season? I am getting annoyed that they keep referring to Astor and Cody's grandparents as Harrison's grandparents. They are Rita's in-laws from her first marriage and not in any way related to Harrison.
At least that wasn't the finale.
Preview for season 3 of GoT. Is this the one that aired before Boardwalk Empire?
Daaaaaammmnn, Homeland.
I swear this show has gone so far off the rails. I still love it, but good GOD. Brody and Carrie must be meant for each other because they are both TOO DUMB TO LIVE.
(OTOH so is the Secret Service apparently, since Brody got away with it. AGAIN.)
I am still enjoying Homeland but this ep was a bit much, even for this wild-ass show. For one, what was up with all the mugging Brody was doing throughout the ep? We were laughing in inappropriate moments simply because the faces he was making were ridiculous. Two, the dude was a known terrorist but since he helped out on one mission they're going to just let him roam and do his own thing? WTF?
But I loved Carrie going back to the warehouse. Of course she did!
Boardwalk Empire:
I am heartbroken that Richard isn't going to raise Tommy. I had hopes of a happy ending for him, his woman, and Tommy. I should have known better. Ah well, at least the kid is away from Gillian...for now.
Homeland - wtf is Carrie going to tell Saul once they get past the relief that she's alive? I can't imagine that conversation.
Yeah, and I don't see how Brody can stay on the show. It doesn't matter if they clear him for the CIA bombing - that video is out of the bag. He's done for, right?
She can't work for the CIA either, right? I mean, shit.