and I knew it as it was happening, and I still fell for it. I am all ashamed.
No, I get it. Sorkin's easy to hate-on (and I do!) but for all his issues (and there are so many!), you can't argue that his writing is ineffective.
Even if the proper response to feminist criticism isn't to give your busty cutout another degree and fluency in Japanese. It's about character, not credentials. Almost all of the women on Deadwood lacked those kind of attainments, and mostly, they were prostitutes, but they still did things for their own reasons. In that way, I'd say they were more feminist than many of the women on the Newsroom.(Even though some of them are played endearingly by the actresses involved, imo. I like them. Except Olivia Munn's economist. She kind of bugs me...maybe she's*that much* of a nerd-guy fantasy?)
Wow, erika, you weren't kidding. I'm watching episode 6, which is the one where the quirky young blonde says she didn't know what LOL stood for. That's dumber than an SNL-type-show trying to do hard hitting topical humor by doing a Gilbert and Sullivan reference. And this episode is recycling like HALF THE PLOTS OF WEST WING!
Also, I don't really get the Olivia Munn crushage. She's kind of a crap actor.
I really like the show, but that's why the stuff that doesn't work sticks out pretty badly.Aaron Sorkin, himself, might confuse that acronym, because he's over fifty and famously concluded the internet sucks... Maggie wouldn't. She's probably been texting since seventh grade. Could she have sent an inappropriately jokey condolence note? Yes. But it wouldn't be that one.
Sean, most economics experts I've ever seen look like Robert Reich or Elizabeth Warren. Attractive in sort of a married-looking kind of way...or like Paul Krugman...he looks like a dad, right? I've never seen one whose breasts came in the room before she does.I don't really know if you can be an expert in anything without hitting a certain number of birthdays(kind of surprised Sorkin is so enamored of prodigies, still, as I get older, most of my characters do too.) Maybe I'm the sexist one...but really it's not my tits that keep me out of economics nearly as much as the black hole in my brain most math falls into.)
But I guess if Munn inhabited the role I could forget that stuff. She doesn't though.
Is it wrong of me that, if Sorkin is going to recycle the whole "Someone Threatened Me on the Internet, So I Need a Bodyguard" plotline from West Wing for Will, I'm now expecting a romance to develop between Will and his (big, black, male) bodyguard? Which would then be followed by the bodyguard getting killed in a liquor store holdup just as the romance is culminating, and a sadness montage done to Hallelujah.
Is it wrong of me that, if Sorkin is going to recycle the whole "Someone Threatened Me on the Internet, So I Need a Bodyguard" plotline from West Wing for Will, I'm now expecting a romance to develop between Will and his (big, black, male) bodyguard? Which would then be followed by the bodyguard getting killed in a liquor store holdup just as the romance is culminating, and a sadness montage done to Hallelujah.
Ha! That would be fun. I really loved the Newsroom, even though I knew stuff was being recycled and I was being manipulated. I just couldn't seem to care.
Man, Homeland. Still good.
So, I finally finished Newsroom. I felt like it occasionally gave me good Sorkin, but it was mostly floating in a sea of bad and recycled Sorkin. Still, I will probably continue to watch if it comes back next year. Also, I was fully expecting Will or his bodyguard to get shot in the final moment of the season.