My basic review of this season of True Blood is at least this happened.
So many things popped up but then wandered off screen like an energetic but distractable (were?) puppy. The logic of what made it to the end seemed pretty random.
I'm getting, for instance, that Russell deserved a lot more than the death he got--that he was not just big bad calibre for more than one season, that he was cool enough to bring back, but he seemed to have been taken out on a tangent. I mean, he's leading the Vampire People Conference, and there's destruction of mainstreaming, and apparently this all has a point, but he gets distracted by a random fairy that just showed up two episodes ago, sounds all important, dies at his hand, and then pretty vamp suddenly gets the revenge he's wanted for a while? That's more left turns and right turns of misdirection than Supernatural and the Mother of All Monsters (that sneak big bad turned out cooler, IMO).
And the group thats run vampires since forever gets taken down by a bit of internal dissension and a concussed guy with a handgun? The zerg rush should be no problem. Humanity is safe.