Strikeback has got to be the most annoying show on television. It can be pretty awesome at times, and then it makes me hate myself for liking it so much.
Last season, the ladyfriends of both male leads were fridged in the same episode. And in the season premier, there was yet another fridging that was so horribly melodramatic, it makes the Kyle Rayner issue look like great literature.
True Blood = Crazy Bananapants
True Blood = Crazy Bananapants
Very much so. I'm ashamed to admit how much I enjoyed all that crazy.
really? i'm so bored. i'm not sure i'll even stick with it next season. the only high points for me were Eric and Lafayette.
I crossed some kind of threshold with this show a while back - I don't care about any of the characters, I'm not invested in the plot going any particular way, but I do want to find out what happens next.
I laughed my ass off at Jessica's gleeful "I KNEW it!" when Pam and Tara started snogging. It's the little thing like that which keep me hanging on.
Lafayette read the voyeur ghosts in Sookie's room.
Did he get much else to do, or get significant arcs? I think he's the only one there I like from guggle to zatch, so I'm sure there's something I'm not thinking of, and I'd like to be able to call it to mind.
The thing with Jesus's father was this season, wasn't it? I guess that was what the bleach in the gumbo incident and so forth was building to. I can't remember that that all made a lot of sense, though. And he talked to the Iraqi ghost lady for Terry.
For a second there I thought he'd laced the margaritas with something last night, but I guess not.
I so don't give a damn about Billith.
For a second there I thought he'd laced the margaritas with something last night
Seriously. I couldn't work out what--like uppers or downers or poison or roofies...just, it seemed weird to just give out good drinks. I liked his attitude, and I felt relieved to see it on display, but...what was that for?
And he talked to the Iraqi ghost lady for Terry.
Speaking of "what was that for?" -- to a relatively recent viewer, that made little sense or impact.