I have a vague memory that it was mentioned way back when - that they were running late because of him, or had to go get something, I don't remember, but it was why they were on the bridge when the flood happened, I think, something like that. When they thought the parents were killed in a flood. I want to say his guilt had something to do with why he didn't live with Gran, too. But I don't remember specifics.
Thanks. I thought it may be something like that, but I couldn't remember the specifics either. Also were they saying that Sookie is half fae? Wouldn't she at the most be 1/4 fae?
I assume that was just Claude saying she wasn't full Fae and not being precise. But it did jump out at me when he said it. Unless there's more to the other side of her family than we know, I suppose.
I don't know how it's taken me this long to properly accept that True Blood is a cavalcade of batshit crazy. Goddamn.
I'm pretty sure I was certain of that by the time Sookie had no objections to being ravished by a guy who'd just crawled naked out of a muddy grave.
I think, but don't know what I'm basing this on, that both of Sookie's parents had the Fae Recessive Gene.
That would make Punnett square sense.
Does making any kind of sense make it more or less likely to be canon?
Neither - because canon is confusing too: Sookie's grandfather
(who wasn't her bio-grandpa) had some sort of second sight (mentioned in one of the early books)
but then this seems
to have been forgotten when it was decided that her actual grandfather was fae and that's where supposedly where her sight came from
the most recent book.
So "book" canon is as confused or confusing as the show.
Game of Thrones: The lead singer of Snow Patrol has filmed a cameo in GoT.
also for GoT, Iwan Rheon has been cast as...someone.