I am watching TB just out of habit at this point - and there is still occasional pretty. I enjoyed last night's outing more than most of last season, so that's a good thing, I suppose. Then again, I mostly really hated last season, soooo . . .
Did people watch and if so, what did folks think of Tara becoming a vampire? I reserve judgment, although shame that they killed the psycho vamp that kidnapped her a couple seasons back. They could've had fun with the two of them all vamped up and cracked out crazy.
I'm not pleased with the Tara development, but I'll wait and see where they're going with it.
as long as ASkars is naked onscreen, they have me.
I liked the bit where we got to see the naked line of Ryan Kwanten's body. Everything else was just confusing, and I swear I watched every episode last year--either it didn't count or it didn't stick.
I seem to have forgotten an awful lot of last season. And possibly seasons before that. But I think it might not matter much.
interested to find out what the Authority is all about.
I'm enjoying the Bill and Eric road show. I always like to see them forced to play nice together.
I think that True Blood is like Weeds now, ita, in that it appears they got what they could out of the original concept and appear to be surprised to be still on, so they are just piling things on, cause, hell, that'd be interesting. Tara's thing sort of makes me think of Dark Willow, but this goofy show could never handle anything that morally complicated.
it was fun to see everyone, though.
I think there it kinda loses me is that I'm not as interested in the vampires being all up in society too much, and being part of traditionally human institutions but the humans act like they just showed up, and with no sense of self-preservation.
I think I prefer the communities more separate, and the vampires maybe a bit less Roberts Rules.
And it all a little loud and shrieky for me to match its emotions.
God, most of my shows don't even have 11 people in them. Jealous now.