I think that Joffrey is a couple of years younger than Robb - 14, I believe. (Or closer to Sansa's age in the books.)
Yes, I think that the condensed HOTU makes sense and will allow for maximum HSQ later. If you know what I mean (and I think you do.)
Finally got to a cached version!
In the first book, Joffrey is 12 and Robb is 15. So when Joffrey gets engaged to Margarey Tyrell and Robb marries Not The Frey Girl He's Supposed To Marry, Joffrey is 13 and Robb 16.
The show, I think, has largely forgotten that 16 is still really freakin' young to be leading a rebellion, ruling a kingdom, and getting married. Even in the Westeros context of "15? You're a man grown now!"
(Danaerys is also supposed to be 14, but HBO has understandably aged her to be legally naked on television without accusations of child pornography.)
Man. 14 is kind of young to be training dragons.
Or lead an army to reconquer your family's kingdom.
From Time's recap:
At the same time in Winterfell, Theon is facing a parallel choice, between danger and exile, also complicated by unshakeable loyalty to a thankless family. (A strong parallel, by the way, that I never really picked up on in the books, which points up one advantage of the series format.) It’s a particularly strong episode for Alfie Allen, who gets the chance to play Theon for agony, fury and even comedy. (“And whoever kills that fucking hornblower will stand in bronze above the shores of Pyke!”) There’s a lot to despise about what Theon has done, but his basic situation–feeling not so much torn between two families as rejected by both–is pitiable.
This is too adorable not to share - the actors who play Bran, Arya, and Sansa, singing along with the opening credits on one of the Blu-Ray commentary tracks:
If I recall the S1 commentary correctly, 'Maester Lewin' was supposed to die relatively early this season, but the actor was so damn good they decided to keep him around as long as possible.
That let them bring that amazing scene between him and Theon, and his farewell to the kids, too.
But The Big Thing That Didn't Happen is evidently going to happen next season. I'm kind of surprised, because it would have been incredible HSQ... on the other hand, we'll have [redacted] and [redacted] around that much longer. But then, The Big Thing That's Supposed To Happen Next Season... will that happen? And then what about That Other Big Thing That's supposed to happen?
The lot of the GoT fan is not a happy one, or at least a fairly confused one.
Rewatching Valar Morghulis now, and I have to take a moment to actually say out loud how fan-freakin-tastic Conleth hill has been as Varys these last two seasons. He's amazing.