My further comments on who bores the shit out of me involve people who haven't even been mentioned in the TV show, so I made that comment on my FB thread, Jess.
This show is hard to discuss with non-readers, because it's so tempting to discuss it within the framework of future events from the books. For example it seems to me like they're taking more liberties this season than last, but doing it in such a way as to signal to readers that they have every intention of following through on the more important, bizarro and messed up, how-the-hell-are-they-going-to-pull-that-off stuff yet to come.
Rewatching GoT S1, something just jumped out at me: Ned has a sit-down talk with Arya about how they've come to a dangerous place and have to pull together as a family. We never see him do the same with Sansa and, given subsequent events, it seems likely he didn't. Either he thought because she was older, or because she wasn't making a fuss like Arya was, or....well, he definitely assumed when he shouldn't have.
Dear lord Peter Dinklage is a national treasure. I gotta go with Lena Heady here - what she said upon meeting him for the first time her first thought was "Wow, he really is that short." Second thought was "Wow, he is really good looking."
Alas, poor Yoren. That was a very Boromir-like death.
I love pragmatic Maergery.
Yay for more Daenarys next week! Not that I would have cut anything out of this episode, but I missed her.
The shot of Theon burning the letter was AWESOME!
The subsequent serious weakening of the Drowned God ceremony was a little dissapointing.
Also Varys continues to be absolutely outstanding, as always.
The subsequent serious weakening of the Drowned God ceremony was a little disappointing.
Seriously. He's not the Splashed In The Face God.
(I can't comment in detail until I rewatch because I watched 3 and 4 back to back last week and don't want to accidentally spoil anyone.)
The reason I watched them early is DH's Weekly Westeros Scorecard column, which I'd probably recommend even if I weren't married to him.
Oh, nice! Thanks for the link, Jessica.
Nearly everything that happened was a surprise to me, so I spent pretty much the whole episode with my jaw hanging open. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
So sad about Yoren, though (and I did know that was coming). I liked him.
The show continues to move so quickly that I'm surprised when the end credits run.
I've just realized that the actress playing Shae looks eerily similar to the president of the PTA at Dylan's school. I may never be able to volunteer for anything again.