Just wait, ita, just wait. If they're faithfully adapting from the books, you'll look back at young Joffrey as early and carefree days.
Mind you, I'd say that you'd be wise to avoid spoilers, because the HSQ I've experienced with the books is worth the extra effort. Really totally slamming the book down, walking around the room saying out loud "Holy SHIT!" and then having to call your best friend to say it yet again.
Joffrey does seem to twirl his mustache a little more blatantly than anyone else, but I think it's not throwing me because of his age. He's a child, essentially, who just got a huge hit of Power, and he's wielding it all over the place. He's spoiled and vicious at heart anyway, so it's really over the top.
Which is not to say I don't want to see him die in a really slow fire, but his behavior doesn't seem completely out of place to me.
He was an asshole before he became king. So I'm not in the least surprised. You could tell he was a cruel fucker.
Show!Joffrey is
as I pictured him in the books. He starts out as a sniveling little shit, and turns into a sniveling little shit with a crown. His excessive cruelty is noted in the books even by the other "evil" characters.
Yeah. There's no real difference between Show!Joffrey and Book!Joffrey. You cheer the exact same way when Tyrion slaps both of them.
Theo- I wouldn't be surprised if the only person standing when all is said and done is
Dolorous Edd.
Man, I knew what was coming for Theon, and I just
All. the. way. up. to. the. castle.
Also totally seeing show Joffrey as dead on to book Joffrey. So loathesome and disgusting that he his horrificness rises above even all the other loathesome and disgusting character.
I appreciate Tyrion because, unlike so many other character in these books, he seems to have learned from past experiences. He's embittered by life but still keeps going. Sure he's still utterly self-centered, which is why he didn't die right off the bat, but he does have a brilliant sense of (snide)humor. Cersei, OTOH, has zero sense of humor. Interesting that show show is making her far more sympathetic than the books. Heh, and when the became a POV character? Even more loathesome in her inspid, futile hatefulness.
I don't really grok how anyone could dislike Dany. She and Tyrion and Jon seem like the backbones of the storyline to me, at least so far, and she has DRAGONS which makes her instantly more appealing than any other human character. I mean, DRAGONS!!!
Also, apparently Kit Harrington is some kind of sex icon now? That i do not get at all. I find Jon to be the most boring principle character. I was tempted to skim through all his chapters, but then quickly realized that things happening at the Wall are rather important and not to be overlooked.
Whoa, whoa Melisandre!!!! From the books i always figured she was tapping Stannis' psychic energy not his...body. Whoa.
Heh, that just makes it more... explicit.