I'm for more of the Mardi Gras Indians and more of Kim Dickens' nearly-naked backside. Much, much, much less of Steve Zahn, please.
I'm not a yat, always a tourist, but I grew up near enough to New Orleans to have spent a large chunk of my youth there. My sister and brother each lived there for a long time (over a decade in her case, just under in his), and Treme seemed just about right to me.
HBO has already given Treme a second season.
HBO has already given Treme a second season.
Um, wow! That must have been some good cable ratings or something.
Heh... he didn't even have to go "begging-ass bitch" this time.
That's what DS said on the HBO boards when he was waiting to get the Wire renewed one time, that he'd love to take more of our questions(although, honestly, I think fandom scares him) but he had to go "begging-ass bitch" on HBO.
Sometimes fandom scares me too, but "Once you in it, you in it."
He's been called a lot of shit in his life and career, but I think it was hard on him, being called Stringer Bell's murderer.
I am (watching) Spartacus!
Wow, the gore, the porn, the intrigue, the gay porn. And the thing I'm most taken with is the language. I'm also impressed with the redness of Lucy Lawless's hair.
I don't know about spratacus, I can't get motivated. I have 5 episodes on the tivo.
Yeah, I don't think I'll be tuning in again. It's not grabbing me.
oh, the next episode is the season finale. I guess I'll watch.
I'm also impressed with the redness of Lucy Lawless's hair.
Her hair is red? My eyes didn't make it up that far.
Okay, I was really hating Spartacus (series, not the character) for the first several eps. I wanted to stop watching, but DW made me continue. Now I'm so glad! These last two eps alone are worth watching the whole thing! Holy shit, what a finale!