probably won't get to see Entourage Season Six for a while
Aha. Maybe I can help. I'm watching it now, and it's quite enjoyable. I do like these boys. (I had one of those awful normal diagnostic tests that involves anesthesia this morning so I am forced! to stay home and hang out. Ditto yesterday.)
Are you watching Dexter, erika?
I will try to focus more on going over the season that aired but right now, I keep wanting to know where they are going. Have to whitefont: As a practical matter, what will happen to the kids? I'm guessing custody will automatically roll over to Dexter as the spouse. But, did R have a will? Do Fla. statutes provide for spousal custody in the case of intestate death of the sole natural parent? How will the parents who just took them to Disney World fit in? R made a point of saying that even though her ex was an ass, they were terrific grandparents. Are they going to send Cody and Astor off to live with the grandparents, but follow the "born in blood" theme with Dex (and perhaps Deb as sister) parenting the baby. What's his name? Anderson? Harrison? Maybe their out for the rehab option is that Dex is forced into therapy for Harrison and kind of goes through it himself, something like that. Deb knows about the bloody container, she'll draw the parallel also, there won't be any way for Dex to avoid therapy. end whitefont There was an excellent yuletide last year? year before? on the theme of the therapist/Dexter, in that Dex goes through with it, safely. It was terrific. In that, he rehabs, then Deb is shot and he's very alone.
I've seen parts of Dexter season 2, I think, but I haven't watched for a while.
You don't need to whitefont, Java. Erika knows the score of the thread.
Man, I've been skimming back and forth through Carnivale, and after Jonesey's final scene in season 2, I almost couldn't bring myself to even skim the rest (I'm having a Tim DeKay fit). It took me until White Collar to realize that Clayton Jones was the only reason I hung on to the show, and my goodness he was such a wonderful woobie. I still call BS on the final fate of Jonesy, no matter how happy it makes me.
I still have a lot of lingering disappointment over Carnivale S2, but I love me some Jonesey. Nothing will ever be quite as hot as he and Rita Sue.
Back a few days later. I finished Entourage Season 6 last night and it's gooooood. I don't know yet what their plans are for next year, if it's been picked up or not, but if it isn't, they can go out with their heads high. It's the best season yet. The boys quit being boys and all of them start being men. The cameoes in the last ep are great. I'm going to wait for erika to see this season before talking about it more, so, just, good work, Entourage. You did good.
I think they got picked up for two more seasons.
(And that rumor about the feature film is circulating again. But those are always out there, so...)
ETA: Java, you could talk about it if you would like...early in the season, I was on spoilers like Dana Gordon in Cancun in '92. But I think I stopped trolling about the fourth or fifth one, that I might have a few surprises left.
At the rate my spec script is becoming too long, I think I'm writing Entourage: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, right now, AIFG, baby.
Because I'll lose them if I don't post them.... URLs in re Dexter finale:
Michael C. Hall addresses the finale --
Ausiello interviews Exec Producer Clyde Phillips. Part 1:
Part 2 Ausiello Interview:
Ken Tucker on finale:
[link] and
TV Guide:
Short interview
I have it in my queue...mostly because I heard Josh Charles is on it. But I've also been in therapy a lot.
Do you think I'll like it?