Thank you...I even like peanut butter, but you don't need to be a great chef to make it. But seriously, I thought Drama was such a jerk in the first episodes, begging for new calves and all that, but by the time he gets that audition with Burns and he does that "VICTORY!" thing, you're just so on board with him, right?(Maybe that is partially about my writer's ups and downs, but it's also that Dillon plays it all: The bravado, and the insecurity and the love and the envy of having a little brother who's a sex god almost without trying...that stuff is not in 2 and A Half just isn't.)ETA: Actually, the brother stuff kind of is, I suppose, but only in the broadest way. Yes, by all means, let's reward the alimony joke again. Even though I don't know anybody that ever got alimony in real life and I know plenty of people who want to be artists and get screwed in the attempt. (I hope that happens to Drama,'d be funny if the television Academy gets on the shitlist with the Valley and Jimmy Kimmel.)
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That was a great arc for Drama.
I've never watched Two and Half Men, Jon Cryer could Laurence Olivier on it for all I know.
Hubs loves 2.5 Men. I usually doze while he's watching it.
It's usually pretty standard sitcom fare -- establish a few characters with a few character traits, and cover the same territory over and over. But every now and then, Cryer manages to turn the material into something better than it is.
I'm not going to say Emmy-worthy. But something better than you'd expect with a peanut butter base.
I'm not anti- "Men"...I've laughed at it a few times myself. I just think Kevin Dillon does an amazing thing with his part, and it's hard enough to get noticed with Piven around anyway, and I'd kind of like the guys to get attention for doing other than coming out of nightspots and being the patron saints of frat-boy douchebags everywhere. Talk about "You're making my side look stupid. Stay off my side." Also, it would have filled me with geek joy if he'd won and done the Torvald "VICTORY!" salute thing. Because there's nothing about Viking Quest that isn't hilarious.
They should build a campaign around that next year - give Kevin Dillon an Emmy and he will do the Viking Quest victory thing. Who wouldn't vote to support that?
Extra bonus for the horn helmet. Dillon's lucky I'm not a BNF, isn't he?
Skipping two months of posts because my Tivo is on the fritz again and I'm behind on all my shows BUT:
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"For Once In My Life," just played, and for the first time, it made me think of Ari all drunk off his ass, swimming in shame and love for his Mrs. Ordinarily, I hate when actors play drunk...mostly it just looks wrong, but something about "I still feel it, baby," just kills me. I can see why it was Piven's Emmy clip that year.
Just finished watching Dexter. The actress who plays Debra just did some AMAZING work in the scene in the parking lot.