That reminds me, my Tivo isn't working again. I'm starting to wish I'd never upgraded it with more memory. It would make it easier to walk away from it and give over to the evil lord Comcast.
Rene Russo has scolios. So does Isabella Rossellini. One of the new Disney teen talents does too, not that I know which one. Back to Rene: she doesn't seem to be working much. Too bad. She's one of my favorite actresses.
Erika, the real Ari that Entourage Ari is modeled after? Is Rahm Emanual's brother.
I know! That's why I loved Obama's joke about Rahm and Mother's Day...those family occasions must be intense, man.
ETA: I can't decide if I'd want to be there or if I'm just the right number of states away. You know?
I've heard that A. Emananuel said "Get Piven to play it, or take my name off."
And of course, the rest is fuckin' history, baby. Boom!(Why do I like to do that?)
Is anyone watching Being Human?
I watched the pilot and liked it.
Eta: Is BBC America Premium? I thought not, but I am easily confused when it comes to cable.
Ooh, interesting turn on True Blood. I really thought Godric was going to have turned out to be taken out by Ed Quinn's character. Nifty. And am I wrong, or has Michelle Forbes turned into Barbara Hershey? I mean, not a bad way to age (especially if she gets a Naveen out of that process), but the resemblance has started to confuse me.
Is anyone watching Being Human?
There's much "Being Human" talk over in Boxed Set.
oops, wrong thread.
And side note: Godric is PRETTY!
And just when I was kinda, sorta starting to enjoy Jason Stackhouse. I hope he's not dead and gone.
I'm still enjoying Hoyt and Jessica more than I even should. So, so cute. Not enjoying Bill and Lorena's Excellent Adventure nearly as much. Seems Bill was always something of a wet blanket. Will be thoroughly enjoying the Eric and Godric next week.
I'm still enjoying Hoyt and Jessica more than I even should
I know. I'm so worried that's going to end very badly for one or both of them.