Man, TB really does well with the teasers and the cliffhangers, doesn't it?
I enjoyed Hoyt/Jessica. Those poor misunderstood kids.
Picture Bill and Hoyt's mom having a parental meeting to discuss the situation. Hee.
Also, an episode chockful of Eric. Excellent.
So, what does that mean that Daphne has scratches/scars on her back? Were they well-healed? Maybe she's
a shifter too?!
spoiler-fonted because, while I don't know, I have read up on some of the book stuff.
I think it means that she was attacked by whatever attacked Sookie. Did you see her eyes? I think that she was not a natural shifter like Sam but has been changed into something - by the attack OR by Marianne. (If Marianne is, as I suspect, some sort of Circe-like figure.) I had the random thought that the minotaur was Eggs. Not sure what made me suspect that.
Anyway, I think that all the people who were over-indulging at Marianne's party were going to change into something.
Hoyt Fortenberry is made of win. I think I am a litte bit in love with Hoyt/Jessica.
The Reverend's wife thinks Jason is more than pudding worthy. I suspect the Reverend does as well. I am liking this Jason story so much better than last seasons, although I'm sad that he's so competely cut off from everyone back in Bon Temps.
Pam's pumps really were killer. Shame that Eric didn't just let her send Chow alone.
Or that she didn't just change her shoes?
I was just thinking that poor Hoyt lost both of his best friends. . . and then Jessica walked in.
Watching Hung. Not too bad so far.
True Blood!
Lafayette doing his humpty dance on all the furniture was hi-sterical. I think the thing I love most about this show is its sense of humour.
But, the next "Jason in danger" scene has to be for reals. That's twice now that the promos have used the fake-outs.
The end? Awesome. Between the B- "straight" and the other mind reader? fantastic!
Jason gave me quite a few chuckles this ep ("premedicated murder"). I'm really tired of the obligatory Marianne orgy party scene - what is this, the 3rd ep in a row with one? Starting to love Jessica.