I had actually started to hope that they weren't going to kill him, or delay his murder for a few seasons. they had taken several other liberties with the series, why not that?
This was my thinking. If you stretch/eliminate/ignore one element, why not keep one of the very best elements?
I'm also with Fay about not really caring about the Billookie relationship. Then I read the books and discovered
that I shouldn't get too wrapped up in it anyway
. Also, per the books,
I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Eric. Though, the photos seem to suggest that he cuts his undead hair...
which makes me sad.
Poor Lafayette. I think I liked him best. Being as he was about the only character who was basically sane.
Although Sam's surprisingly sane, all things considered.
Tara is exactly the kind of character/person I usually dislike intensely, and yet I loved her, probably because at heart she isn't a mean person; she wants to love and be loved, she's just really hurt and angry. I wanted to grab her and hug her until she realized the whole world isn't out to destroy her. Of course, she would've chewed my face off if I'd tried.
they never actually showed Lafayette dead though, right? we just assumed. or am i remembering wrong?
I think that the very end of the finale showed part of his body hanging out of the car and someone said "Lafayette?" (I may be inventing the last bit, perhaps I just assumed because we knew he was supposed to die)
I don't think anyone actually said "Lafayette", but I too may be misremembering. I haven't read the books, so I was holding onto hope that it somehow wasn't really him.
I don't think we actually know that body is Lafayette, but I've been assuming that it was him. I will miss him tremendously. I loved hearing him say "cornbread" at Gran's funeral. He rocked mightily.
I really started to care about Tara's character once the whole exorcism storyline kicked in. All of the actors in that arc kicked major amounts of ass, especially Tara's mom and Miss Jeanette. And I do enjoy the Tara/Sam relationship and am intrigued to see what happens now that Tara's been sucked into the world of the shapeshifters. I haven't read the books, so I have no clue where they are going with that, but I find that whole subplot way more entertaining than anything cooking with Bookie (love that!).
I came to love Jason's storyline without actually enjoying Jason all that much. I really thought the whole thing with Eddie in the basement was fantastically done, and I loved his hippy, dippy girlfriend right up until Rene strangled her. But since I don't really like Jason, I'm ambivalent about the upcoming religious nut storyline. I'm hoping that there'll be enough people that I do like involved in that tale to keep me hooked.
I want to see more of Pam, Eric and Bill's vampire baby.
I get woken from sound sleeps by the drunken bellows and revving motorcycle engines of far too many entitled redneck halfwits exactly like Jason (but for the lack of a dedicated personal trainer) to feel any sympathy or fondness for him. The way Ryan Kwanten looks out of his clothes is the only thing that makes the character's screentime remotely tolerable.
I despised Jason's psycho hippy girlfriend the moment she walked on screen. She reminds me of an old girlfriend of mine. Just substitute vegan for homicidal.
I cannot frickin' stand Bill's vampire baby. I liked the character and her transformation right up to the point where the "new vampire = sullen teenager" metaphor kicked in, and then I wanted to stake her. Between that and the religious-nut storyline, the other subplots are going to have to be riveting to get me to keep watching.
I'm rather relieved to know that I'm not the only one totally uninterested in Bookie.
See Bill's vampire baby turning out to be a sullen teenager made total sense to me since prior to Bill turning her she was a repressed teenager from a religious nut family. If I had that background and then got turned into a soulless, super powered being that was basically all id, I'd kind of go crazy in exactly the way that she did, especially given that I would have found myself escaping from one overbearing, repressive father who never let me do anything naughty or fun right into the arms of another overbearing, repressive father who never let me do anything naughty or fun. It made sense to me. Plus, I just think she's funny.