The editor of the Smile, Hon, You're In Baltimore zine(Which I was proud to be featured in last year) sent me a link of interest to Wirefiends and other crime junkies.
Thought you might enjoy (as it were) this BBC clip featuring THE SUN's Peter Hermann, reflecting on his 15 years covering crime in The City That Bleeds:
(It's sort of wrong that hearing about his job made me jealous, but I was, at least momentarily. But there has to be an intervention required for a woman hearing about going in the rain at nine at night to talk about a shooting and thinking "lucky bastard."...that shit ain't seemly, yo.
Anna Paquin was on Fresh Air yesterday.
We watched the first 2 eps of True Blood and really disliked it. However, I keep hearing all this great stuff about it and wonder if we should have continued. Does it change much after the first 2 eps or is it more of the same?
The middle part gets more dramatic, but if you didn't like the initial vibe, I don't know if you're going to change your mind.
I like it, but I'm bored with Naked!Jason by midpoint, I gotta say.
Love seeing William Sanderson and Chris Bauer again...they rock.
I really liked it. . . . I pre-ordered the dvds as soon as that was possible just on the basis of the first episode. When they came in - I watched the entire season w/i 24 hours and ordered HBO.
I really like TrueBlood now, but I didn't like it immediately - the first couple episodes irked me. A friend talked me into watching it again, and it got better. It's definitely its own thing.
And you just have to resign yourself to Jason's idiocy.
Yes, he is an intractable idiot. You'd feel sorry for the guy, except, well, he's an idiot.
yeah, when there was less Jason, the show improved.
It might have taken me until ep 5 where I decided - this isn't so bad. I initially did not take well to the show. Ep 4 is difficult to watch - the stupidity is raw.
I couldn't take Jason or Tara at first and was basically just holding on for Gran and Lafayette. However, the Tara character got a lot better as the season progressed and Jason, well, once he stopped being nekkid practically every minute of every scene he was in, he got a little bit more tolerable.
I actually think the main characters on the show (Sookie/Bill/Sam/Jason) are infinitely less interesting than the supporting characters. In addition to Gran and Lafayette, the Bellefleurs rock. Arlene is great and I would watch an entire spin off of the Hoyt Fortenberry Show. And I thought the other vampire characters, Eric and Pam and Eddie, were great. I mean Eddie's story alone made the back half of the series watchable. And Stephen Root, man. Awesome.