My suspension of disbelief is fading out with the "you are kept alive by magic" shit.
Choose a world to walk in, and stay there. The whole, "we don't want anyone to know our weaknesses" thing is negated by the fact that all these asses already know about the silver and hep D and the shit. Unless the magic life force also makes the internets unavailable.
The world they've chosen to walk in would have already exposed the physiology of vampires before they were granted voting rights.
Bad soap opera, no biscuit.
Liked Tara a lot more this ep. I am again tired of seeing the brother have sex, hot body aside.
More foreshadowing with the dogs. Sam growls in his sleep, and he greeted the other dog with "my brother". Interesting.
I am beginning to get a little annoyed by the overt sexuality of the show. first, it's the brother having sex all the time, then we see Sookie masturbating once (I knew it was a dream because she'd never go to Bill's house in her nightgown), and then about the masturbate on the steps in front of Bill's house in the middle of the damn day. just me, or anyone else?
Nope. Masturbating on the front steps in the middle of the day was CRAXY.
Gosh! Really? Wow! Not so much Fandom Wank, more Wank Fandom?
I am beginning to get a little annoyed by the overt sexuality of the show.
So much this. I'm really all done with that. And the scene with Sookie on the front porch of Bill's house? Ridiculous.
What I really need is for this show to stop throwing anvils at my head. Not dropping, 'cause that would be too subtle, but picking them up and hurling them at my head.
Also, also . . . the bad vamps are worse than I could've even imagined. I want to slap them repeatedly about the face. Perhaps with a hastily thrown anvil. Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I still like the grandmother and Sam. Lafayatte is a hoot. And despite being stupider in a day than most people are in a lifetime, I'm still enjoying Sookie. But the story is soooo bad, y'all.
I'm agreeing with all of this. I really want to like this show, but I'm so very weary of bad writing.
As I said to Allyson, "I really thought Alan Ball was a better writer than this."
I keep hoping
the arrival of Alexander Skarsgard
will make it better.
I keep hoping that he'll be
encrusted with barnacles, and clutching a bottle of rum. Or possibly singing ABBA numbers. But I'll settle for him being hot instead. (His dad not so much with the hot, imho. With all due respect.)
No True Blood love this morning?!
A buddy and I have restarted the Sunday night HBO tradition left bereft by the end of Rome.
I'm really enjoying it.
No naked Jason (except maybe a flashback) and !mercy! his box of hair stoopidity really did him in this week. I absolutely LOVED that Tara correctly identified acute priapism.
I also loved her explanation of why she didn't bother with college. I've disliked the character greatly until this ep.
The TWOP recapper thinks he knows who the killer is. [link] To which I could only say....Nooooooo. And, huh. Why didn't that occur to me when I was watching the show? Because I lurve that character and simply refuse to believe he's a
bad doggie
He is all unrequited and stuff though, so yeah.
I thought the Bill glamouring the trooper scene went on too long and the final shot of the trooper's humiliation was unnecessary, but beyond that...the buddy checked her watch as the end credits came up and said,"Was that just a half hour? It ended too soon!"