You like Alma? I sort of found her...hologrammatic. Although, there's a certain amount of empathy because I so wanted to be where she is(minority in journalism, yada yada) but overall, I think she lacks dimension. Not half as much as Templeton(Nobody does...he's completely loathesome, not Blown Deadline's usual flavor at all. At least, he should be a *charming* bullshit artist like our man Jimmy(IMO--all fake-a-rama boyish humility would work)ETA: Took it out, too spoily, and since it's(sob) over, I have the rest of my life to talk about that.
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Two more episodes!
It hurt to watch McNulty faking that crime scene, and I kept wincing throughout the next episode, especially with poor Bunk caught in the middle. And then LESTER. OH MY GODS LESTER. *headTARDIS*
I hate Templeton! Gah. I wasn't completely sure until that absurd "quote from Narese," but that story about the kid in the wheelchair was total bullshit! Templeton! Like the rat in Charlotte's Web !
I still like Gus and Alma. The chief sucks.
Oh, Bubbles. He's kind of boring sober, but, unlike Cutty, I actually care about his rehabilitation.
I don't like seeing McNulty in this ridiculous pattern of self-destruction again. Beadie was supposed to have fixed that, dammit! He's back to being a superdick.
I love to hate Clay Davis. He's such a total dickweed that it's fun to see him squirm. And his voice is so high-pitched! It's funny!
Michael and Co.'s day at Six Flags was adorable. They even picked up a couple chicks! Aw. I feel like seeing Michael and Dukie now has sort of softened the impact of the S4 finale. Michael hasn't turned completely evil, and doing kind of fine, really, the not-being-in-school notwithstanding.
AVON! I can't believe he's actually helping Marlo out. What the hell.
Someone needs to pop a cap in Marlo's ass before he takes over Baltimore.
It's a drain on the season that we don't see anything likeable in Templeton.Because it just makes everyone look stupid for believing his bull. I guess I like Alma too, but now that I've seen the whole thing, I'd have liked to learn more about her motivations and such.(I agree with Corwood's take...possible flirtation/hero worship between Scott and Alma?) I kind of agree about McNutty, but I think that's a dangerous meme to have out there, that loving the right person can fix internal self-destructive impulses. But maybe I feel that way because I'm a woman, and rightly or wrongly claim too much responsibility for my interpersonal life. Butchie: Yeah, you'd think they were criminals or something.(/fake cop attitude)
Because it just makes everyone look stupid for believing his bull.
Right? I mean, Gus is clearly suspicious, but he buys the Narese quote even though you could clearly hear Scott type that bullshit out randomly despite not having been on the phone. Gah.
I agree with Corwood's take...possible flirtation/hero worship between Scott and Alma?
Yeah, I can see a little of that. I don't think she cares much about him, but he seems to have a little thing for her.
Butchie: Yeah, you'd think they were criminals or something.
There are rules, man!
AUGH PROP JOE NOOOOOO I FUCKING HATE YOU MARLO. That scene almost made me sick to my stomach.
And then I read the Wikipedia summary and screamed out loud because when I saw all of Marlo's actions listed in one place, it became BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS he was preparing to take Prop Joe out. All this time, I sort of expected him to, I don't know, quietly push him out of the market. I don't know why.'s just not fair! Here comes Omar, who puts the fear of death into Slim Charles because he's a stealthy motherfucker you never see coming, and I so want him to kill Marlo five times but I know he's going to die and I'll bet he doesn't get to kill Marlo even one time first because this show likes to make me suffer.
Instead, I'll focus on Carver, who's had a fantastic character arc over the course of the series. He's grown so much, more than any other character. And...I've just written his death sentence, haven't I.
You know, I don't mind the newsroom scenes, but they don't seem to actually do all that much. I mean, I find them more enjoyable than the dock scenes in season two, but I don't get the sense of focus that I did with, say, education in season four.
I think My Husband Dave took the newsroom a little personally.Although I thought the real reporters were good on TV. I really like "Anything else? Why don't you stick a broom up my ass and have me sweep the floor, too?" Yeah, I'm afraid I'd still like to grow up to be Roger Twigg, except for the whole painful buyout thing. But I've always been kinda retro like that. You do know that the crappy supervisor from season four, Marimow, is named after a real newspaper editor Marimow whom DS still hates? The important thing is, with some of his success, he let things go.(/sarcasm) But you know, I kind of love that. Maybe it's because we've all been in school, but not all of us have worked in the media. Well, except for student papers. disability press, and The Hat(which is wholly and conpletely staffed by David Simon's Bitches, and we admit it proudly. Even though most of those bitches are dudes.) None of those are fully intended to make profits,though. So some of those debates do come off as academic. it was funny hearing Bill moyers quote a Simon op-ed recently though. Just sound-wise, because both DS and his creations speak so rapidly and Moyers is so Texas. I believe they are on the same "Consolidation Bad, Journalism Pretty" page on the media ownership question, though.
Found this in CoMM: "David Simon says the crime story is the form of the 21st century. But, no, if Simon jumped off a bridge, I wouldn't go with him. His account of the way down would be so much better than mine." I almost talk about him as much as he does(Although nobody really does.Except maybe Marimow, not liking the Evil Nemesis thing too much.) That's impressive, and a little sad. Much like scouring COMM for myself, I suppose. Hec, I once wrote a Homicide fanfic like the Princess Bride once. Simon being the one sitting on the bed while I'm all "Timmy shoots the Arabber, right?" And of course, he's like "Hell no. There's really no such thing as a good shoot."
Please hire Wendell Pierce again, DS. You know he's terrific and he's from there.
Anyone else watching Entourage? I'm so hooked. Seth Green is a needling a**hole bugging Eric in the Las Vegas episode.
Entourage has better cliffhangers - subtle ones, small ones, but effective one - than any show except Dexter. I can't sit down and just watch 1... I have to watch the next one to know how the boys are going to deal with THAT (from the last 2 minutes).
I like where they are taking the guys. Eric has always been my favorite; Vinnie is such a straight up nice guy and so easy on the eyes. He's always kind - not just generous, but sweet, and kind, which makes me like him more. I'm glad they gave Turtle and Drama something to do besides hanging on or driving and cooking, some work that they can do.
I have to look up who Dana is, from Universal. I love that actress, and she was really good in something else that's a memfault.
eta: Constance Zimmer, from Joan of Arcadia. Right! Sister Lilly Waters. [link] and [link]