Sometimes I really enjoy that. Mocking stuff.
Although I do get the urge to be all "English, motherfucker, English!" when they think they're really Significant.
But I do that. Much as I found out I like The West Wing, I still think it needs Clay Davis to clap Rob Lowe on the shoulder and say "Sheeit. Sam Seaborn, my favorite whiteboy."
Because we didn't get where we are in a power struggle between high-minded professionals, you know?
(And I could watch that actor be slimy all day.)
I'm still, after watching every episode, not sure if I like it or not.
Well, that's not inspiring confidence!
The characters are well-drawn, I think. Sometimes I like one, sometimes another, they all take turns being idiots and bastards and woobies, kind of.
I loved 6FU, because I'm inclined to like a show where somebody dies at the start of every show
Hee. The TWoP recapper instituted a Start-to-Corpse number to aid in grading each episode (the lower the number of seconds, the higher the grade)
I think I've seen almost every single episode (mainly because my wife loved the show), but I rolled my eyes constantly through almost all of them.
I...hope I like the show? I have a friend who really loves it and has been on me to watch it for ages.
Well, sometimes pimps are right.
I'd never have braved Deadwood or The Wire without mine(Which cocksuckers post upthread...heng mai)
Because I thought "Westerns? Drugs?"
But that was really dumb.
For context, I'm also not sure if I like James Joyce.
I'm glad I watched it, fwtw. It was not a waste of time, I like knowing about the characters and their stories, though there was some eye-rolling along the way and I don't think it deserves as much praise as it has gotten, necessarily. It's not The Wire, y'know?
I really hate the opening credits.
But it's good.
Add me to the list of those who didn't care for Six Feet Under.
I laughed/boggled so hard at the way SFU ended, but I never got so far into the series that I could say I hated it. But I'm with you haters in spirit!
I wanted to love 6FU but hated every single character eventually so that might it kind of hard for me.
Yep. I loved the one-sheet, or whatever you call it, with the lipstick. That was about it.
Of course, I'm finding that I don't give a rat's ass about anyone in Lost either.
OMG, still catching up on the first season of DEXTER and if Michael C. Hall's expression after slamming Rita's ex with the frying pan isn't the most adorable, hilarious thing I've seen in ages (PUSHING DAISIES possibly excepted) I don't know what is. If Rudy actually killed Angel, though, I'm gonna be pissed.
It so is, Frank. I finished that season last weekend. Loved it. And that is all I will say until you finish.
Profile of David Simon in the New Yorker: [link]