Hey, did anyone recognize Jim Butcher? Apparently, this was the episode that he had a cameo in.
Yeah, his cameo was really brief. He was in the background in the morgue. Tall dark-haired guy with a beard and glasses wearing a labcoat.
I believe the episode moved up and then down and then back in the rotation a bit, and was considered as the season finale for awhile, which means as originally written, she could be referring to "Things that Go Bump", which is next week's episode, most of Harry and Murphy's conversation in the episode still seemed to referring back to "The Boone Identity" which was originally written as ep 4, not ep 2.
Debet, (sorry I'm too lazy to go back a page and quote) the difference is Murphy of the books was never in denial about the supernatural (I keep wanting to capitalize that word) existing, but instead was simply not aware of how deep the rabbit hole went. Their book conversation was more "I know I've been kind of vague and less than truthful with you on occaisions, because knowing everything would put you in danger, but me not coming clean is pissing you off AND putting you in danger, so here's how it all works." And her reaction was pretty much "Well, crap. Oh, and the White Council is a bunch of dicks."
I think the problem with the scene, is they haven't really shown Harry and Murphy's friendship in the series. They bicker and banter and obviously like each other, but it doesn't come across as any deeper than that.