Okay, so I've been way behind on Galactica since for ages. Kept trying to catch up. And failing. At some point in the past week, when I was "only" 4 episodes behind, I accidentally saw something and learned that Starbuck died. I assumed she got killed. Then at some point in the last couple of days, I semi-accidentally read something (because I figured I already knew the only thing I could be really spoiled for, oopsie) and learned she killed herself. Whoa. Tonight I watched caught up to that happening. (And for some reason I'd assumed she'd shot herself, so I still managed to be surprised/horrified. Yay?)
I haven't seen the two after that yet, but I read the recaplets at TWoP so... whatever.
I am sorta in the camp that it'll turn out she's a Cylon. Because from the first "Starbuck dies" thing I saw, I thought, "Oh, so she's a Cylon, then. Heh." The tidbits from the podcasts do intrigue me, though. I would be fine with her being a Cylon; it would make sense to me. But I had a love/hate relationship with Starbuck so her death by itself doesn't do anything besides surprise me. That said, the episode was very moving, and she was fantastic in it, especially since I still felt kinda pole-axed by the ending despite the spoilage.
If she's a Cylon, that's kind of awesome. Maybe 50% awesome. If she's well and truly dead, that's TOTALLY awesome. If she's human and alive through some magic Starbuck power, that's negative 90% awesomeness, and I may just give up on the show since I've been off and on with it all season. But from the first that I heard about it, part of my reaction was, y'know, if she's not a Cylon, that makes sense. Because... what would Starbuck do if told she had a special destiny? She'd find a way to prove that nobody can tell her what to do. I kind of love the idea that she'd prove that she'd kill herself to prove that Destiny isn't pulling her strings, and if that turns out to be the deal, I feel more kindly toward her, retroactively. It's possible that I have control issues myself, but, what can I say? I totally get that.
And now I'm gonna go read spoilers, because I can.
So, is there a ahemmed version of the original 2-hour pilot of "Storm Front", or has it been under house arrest by the studio?
Robert Hewitt says they're going to show the whole 2-hour version at some unspecified point in the future, so it's probably on lockdown.
I think they should have skipped showing the cut-down version at all, and just shown the 2-hour original at the end of the first season, as a special. But whatever. I've gotta back away from the boards - those people are nuts. I'm only popping onto the Butcher Board now to read the threads where Robert Hewitt answers questions.
I think "Twit" has been banned *le sigh* (of relief)
She'd find a way to prove that nobody can tell her what to do. I kind of love the idea that she'd prove that she'd kill herself to prove that Destiny isn't pulling her strings
I like this. A lot. But then I fear that Destiny would save her skinny ass.
Destiny is a jerk like that.
Has anybody posted this here today?
So, so funny.
If she's human and alive through some magic Starbuck power, that's negative 90% awesomeness
So very agreed. Though I still wouldn't give up on the show.
I was spoiled for Starbuck's death, and it failed to move me. So I figure I should either stay unspoiled for the rest of the season, or just spoil myself since I'm emotionally distanced already.
I think they should have skipped showing the cut-down version at all, and just shown the 2-hour original at the end of the first season, as a special.
Yes, this.
I couldn't believe the number of people going on about how awesome the episode was. Um, no. I'm glad we finally got to see Harry cut loose, but it felt very much like "We spent good money on these effects, we can't dare cut them" so the story itself got chopped to pieces instead.
I also can't believe the number of folks going "How can you people still complain about the episode when it was more like the books" as if relevance to the books is the only scale on which the episodes should be critiqued. Especially since it wasn't really like the books, as it was all flash and very little substance.
I wonder if some of Adama's asshattery towards Lee comes from Adama blaming Lee for Starbuck's death. She requested to be removed from flight status, and he refused, convinced her to go back out and she suicided. I'm not saying it's necessarily fair, but it could be the partial cause.
I'm totally onboard with the idea that those people hearing the music having some sort of device implanted by the Cylons in detention. When Tigh was freaking out, I was seriously wondering if the Cylons had put something in his head.
Re: Smallville
The part that annoyed me most, out of an already incredibly annoying episode, was Clark's "Maybe I've been making excuses" regarding Lana spiel. Uh, no, you came clean to her and proposed before, remember? She died, and then when you tried to go back and fix it, you lost your father instead. Hello?
One would think he'd remember considering the tragedy involved.
I wonder if some of Adama's asshattery towards Lee comes from Adama blaming Lee for Starbuck's death.
I think this. Also, perhaps, some fallout from the conversation about Adama's wife/Lee's mom. And, maybe, Lee's continuing inability/lack of desire to be live up to his father. But I think it's also maybe supposed to be Adama's tough love effort to make Lee grow up already and find his own path. Lee can be such a spoiled brat sometimes, which is how I felt much of this episode.
If it's some kind of implanted device, why is it activating now? Why didn't the Cylons turn it on when they had the fleet at the algae planet and the humans were threatening to blow up the temple?
Also, was Anders ever in Cylon custody that we saw?