I thought I read somewhere that the On Demand version is the complete BBC one, not the cutup version shown on BBCA. I'll have to look at the run time when I get home to be sure, though.
'Life of the Party'
Boxed Set, Vol. III: "That Can't Be Good..."
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much any other "genre" show that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Whitefont all unaired in the U.S. ep discussion, identifying it as such, and including the show and ep title in blackfont.
Blackfont is allowed after the show has aired on the east coast.
This is NOT a general TV discussion thread.
Kathy, if you would record that and any others, I would love you for it.
part of the ongoing arc is Sam trying to go home.
I haven't seen the show, but reading that I wonder if the Quantum Leap allusion was intentional. (White-fonted because it partially references the white-fonted part of the initial post.)
Kathy, if you would record that and any others, I would love you for it.
Sure! I'm also taping ShakespeaRe-told, if you're interested in borrowing that after the last one is broadcast (in two weeks).
I doubt it. I think it's just that every show must now have a character named Sam. It's a new law.
Sure! I'm also taping ShakespeaRe-told, if you're interested in borrowing that after the last one is broadcast (in two weeks).
Ooh, yes, thanks!
Dana, well, I was just looking at it from the angles of one of theories being he's leapt into another person's body in the past and the overarching plot is the same as Quantum Leap's. Just seemed an amusing coincidence, which is why I wondered if it was intentional.
I don't think I've actually heard that theory, not that I've read a lot of meta. I discovered, after watching a few episodes, that my theory was that he was both in a coma in 2006 and experiencing the events of 1973.
If we get Life on Mars dvds, will they be the uncut original versions?
They should be. Every other British series has been uncut once it was released ihere.