A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much any other "genre" show that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
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Bwuh? Married? Geez, is everyone married now?
I was thinking the same thing.
What did Anders just say to Sharon?
Anybody? I missed a lot of the quieter lines tonight, but I didn't want to turn it up further for fear of disturbing the neighbors.
oh, I think Cally is killed - for the others to see. and then they are taken back.
That could be right. I could totally see the Cylons going "President Baltar ordered you executed, but we decided to show mercy." Especially since they were originally talking about doing the execution in a very public space. So why then drag them out into the middle of nowhere?
Though I would like to know why the Cylons felt it neccessary to put hoods on all the prisoners except the ones that are major characters.
And will she kill Sharon Agathon?
Different Sharon.
My question is why didn't they tell Duck "If Baltar isn't there, don't blow yourself up?" if they were planning on aborting if they were told he wasn't going to be there.
What did Anders just say to Sharon?
After the hug? He said "I feel like I see you every day."
Yeah, there were some pretty dumb plot holes, but overall I still stayed glued to the edge of my seat. The Cylons were pretty stupid for machines (for leaving the military and civilian authority figures in the general population, for not realizing themselves that Gaeta would be a turncoat, for committing their mass public execution designed to stomp out the resistance out in the middle of nowhere, and aren't machines supposed to be good at logic and surveillance? Sheesh, I feel like Hogan's Heroes could have organized a successful resistance against these toaster numbnuts), but luckily humanity is even a bit dumber, I guess. I mean, as stupid as the resistance was to fail to communicate contingency plans, the mere fact that they could have built their city in a woodland paradise a mere hop, skip, and jump away, but chose instead the Slough of Despond means that humanity is doomed. DOOOOOOMED.
Oh, and the ethical choices given to the characters were kinda lame. Wait, Baltar signed the form and saved his skin? Didn't see that coming. Oh, Starbuck rejected the child, but when she got hurt through no fault of Starbuck's, embraced her false family? Wow, and I thought she was so strong (and sidebar here, but seriously, the Greeks got this shit right on: given this choice, a Classic Greek tragic heroine would have murdered the child and served it to Leoban for dinner, asking "how you love me now?"). If the makers of the show wanted to really draw the parallels, they should have had more collaborators talking about their ethical choices (what with the shades of Nazi occupation) and more Cylons discussing theirs (because of the obvious parallels to our own illustrious philosopher-king).
So the stupid's still around? I was feeling vaguely guilty and thinking I should give the show another chance, but sounds like I'm safe. I watched season 1, liked large parts of it, but the accumulated stupidity, especially around Baltar, drove me nuts. And the one episode I did watch of 2 had Starbuck being *so* dumb (and getting bunches of people killed because of it), that I had no interest in trying more.
There are shows where I'll tolerate dumbness because they are so fun otherwise, but there's really no fun in BSG, so the stupid burns without relief.
I don't believe for one second that the Starbuck is really choosing that family. If I'm wrong it may be the end of BSG for me, but getting into a hospital setting or really anywhere outside of that apartment is what I think motivated Starbuck to act the way she did.
Though I would like to know why the Cylons felt it neccessary to put hoods on all the prisoners except the ones that are major characters.
That way the Cylons don't have to pay feature salary to extras. :-)
After the hug? He said "I feel like I see you every day."
Heh. Thanks.
I don't believe for one second that the Starbuck is really choosing that family. If I'm wrong it may be the end of BSG for me, but getting into a hospital setting or really anywhere outside of that apartment is what I think motivated Starbuck to act the way she did.
Couldn't agree more. Well, except for the end of BSG part, because I'm weak that way. But I know I don't have to worry about that anyway, because, yeah, she's totally taking advantage of an opportunity. Now, she may end up feeling something for the kidMONSTER, but Leoban hand holding thing was pure manipulation.
ETA: Oh, oh, oh - meant to say, there needed to be more Rick Worthy. Simon had, what, one line, lounging there on the couch? Not enough!
Oh, I don't think that Starbuck is joining in with that family either. She needs to create an opportunity to be out of that prison. (I do think it's a weird replication of her old apartment in Caprica City.)
I don't know -- I think that the Cylons were firing at the prisoners who were gathered together -- did you see the NCPs run off?
I think that Jammer gave Cally a chance to run.
Oh, and the episodes aren't up "On Demand" yet. Sigh. Good thing I taped too!